

I just had another one of those experiences where saying yes to a series of hunches paid off.

Despite doubt creeping in at every turn.

Last fall I was on an airplane when I saw a Tweet about a conference that I just knew I had to attend.

Then I saw another tweet about an unofficial afterparty. Immediately signed up for that, too.

There I saw someone that I started following online.

When he launched a new business, I followed him over there.

Then he sent an email asking for support. I love …

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Want to Start an Online Course Business? (9 Step How To!)


So here you are. Researching “how to create online courses,” and this pops up. Lucky you! 

The world of teaching online courses is not easy to navigate. There is lots of info out there about what to do, how to do it, and what not to do. But we want to break it all down for you from start to finish - into tangible steps that you can take today. 

This guide will walk you through the different steps involved in making an online course business and help you create a platform for your business that…

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Who's the authority in your life?

This was something I struggled with.

I gave my authority away hither and thither.

To my wife. To my parents. To my teachers. To my friends.

I placed it anywhere but where it belongs: With me.

No one should be the authority in your life but you.

Once you get that, you're free.


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Who are you for?

Last week I did a bunch of live marketing strategy and workshopping with the participants in the Laptop Lifestyle Challenge, and the issue that came up over and over again was: Who are you for?

Who's your ideal client?

Picture an actual real human being that you know that you would love to work with and that you know there are plenty of others just like them.

What does that person need?

What is their pain as they experience it?

What do they want, in their words?

If you were to work with th…

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Most people are afraid of anger. Their own and others'.

But anger is a powerful force.

And incredibly useful force.

You can use it to get out of the victim.

You can use it to get out of depression.

You can use it to set boundaries.

You can use it to protect yourself against threats.

You can use it to challenge yourself and others in positive and loving ways.

You can use it to have more energy, more life, more stamina.

To push yourself and others further.

So much good stuff in anger.


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Most people in the world are stuck in a mindset of life happening to them.

They're at the mercy of their environment.

Outside forces acting on them.

That's a lie, of course.

A lie that will keep you stuck.

You're not separate from life. You are life.

So what's the way out of this mental prison?

Figure out what you want. Get really clear. Specific. Detailed.

See it for your inner eye. Feel what it's like to have it.

And then start taking action to get there.

What's the first step?


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Truth is elusive. It's easy to believe our thoughts.

But just because it's a thought, and just because we happen to believe it doesn't mean it's true.

Always be questioning.

Is that really true?

How do I know it's true?

Can I really know that's true?

What if it's not true?

What if the opposite's true?

Realizing you were wrong about something can feel like crap.

Until you realize that all it means is you're learning and growing.

Once you really get that, you start to savor that feeling …

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We're all going to die.

You're going to die.

I'm going to die.

Everyone you love is going to die.

(And so is everyone else.)

Sorry to be so blunt on a random Thursday.

But it's true.

We might as well get used to it.

It's easy to be so afraid of dying that we forget to live.

Life is for the living.

Life is for living.

Enjoy every moment of it, for as long as you're alive.

Enjoy every moment with your loved ones for as long as they're alive.

That's all we can do.

It's all we need to …

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What's your biggest challenge right now?

I show every day, striving to serve.

Every day I want to help you live the life that you dream of, just like I've been able to do for myself.

  • Business 💸
  • Health 🏋️‍♀️
  • Relationships 👩‍❤️‍👨
  • Creativity 💡
  • All in service of your purpose 🚀

That's what I want for you.

What's your biggest challenge right now?


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Do your genius thing FIRST

There'll never be enough time in the day to do all the things you don't really want to do.

So do your most important work first.

Which means your genius work.

The stuff that you're so good at, it contributes a ton of value and doesn't feel like work.

That stuff that leaves you energized to do.

Then you'll have more energy for the other stuff after.

With passion,

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