Affiliate Management
Your Affiliate program is built right in. No need for a whole other platform.
No 'best-kept-secrets' here!
You're doing something amazing in the world, right? People need to hear about that in order to benefit.
So while you're using Simplero to run every other aspect of your business, you can also use us to run your Affiliate program.
Use your network to build a team to promote your offers for you. It's so easy, there's no reason not to. Don't leave money just sitting on the table!
Feature rich and fully integrated
We hear we've got a set of features you can't get all in one spot anywhere else in the affiliate management space.
- Two-tier system (upstream and downstream affiliates)
- Use PayPal MassPay to pay out your affiliates when you're ready
- Run more than one affiliate program at the same time.
- Super granular controls - one affiliate can earn a different commission than another affiliate in the same program
- Use the autogenerated Affiliate Dashboard to share links and swipe copy with your affiliates
- Communicate with your affiliates inside the platform. Did they forget to send their Tax ID? No sweat, just message them right from their application
And we're not done yet
Remember that part about how we 'eat our own dog food'?
Just like with everything else, we use our own affiliate management system to run OUR affiliate program.
We're all in to make it best-in-class and we're always adding new tweaks and improvements.
Smart entrepreneurs know...
your most important resource is your own time and energy.