Meet our Certified Simplero® Experts!
Looking for help?
You've come to the right place.
This is not your ordinary software certification. We at Simplero take recommending a support person for your business very seriously.
We know these people personally. We created a challenging certification program and paired it with mindset coaching, business development training and group support.
Our Certified Experts have:
- completed a comprehensive training program in Simplero
- gotten an A+ on our Simplero Experts Certification Exam
- stayed up to date with new features and improvements (and will re-certify annually)
- learned how to use Simplero to set your business up for success
- shown themselves to be team players with a positive get-things-done attitude
We offer spectacular Support at Simplero via our Team but sometimes you need someone in your actual business, day-to-day, conquering each challenge along with you.
So check out these folks and find the one who is right for your business and life.
Certified Simplero® Experts - Superstar Level
Superstars have mastered all the Simplero essentials plus the bells and whistles.
Systems | Solutions | Support
Hello from Kristina - I'm an Online Business Manager specialising in Simplero and based in the UK. I'm surrounded by my carefully chosen team of multi-skilled, world-wide Virtual Assistants and specialists. We are your "team-in-a-box".
Together, we have provided over 100 business owners around the globe with the freedom to do more of what they love and less of what they don't - giving them back their time and passion to dream bigger and achieve faster.
We take your business in to our hearts and will take care of everything from the day-to-day necessities, to the strategy, launch and scale of the next right step for your business.
You do you. We'll take care of the rest.
Hey, I'm Rachelle. I’m an Online Business Strategist, Automation Savvy, and Tech and Course Creation Expert specialising in Simplero who helps women find freedom through crafting a lifestyle-friendly business.
I help my clients create winning online courses, implement high-level strategies and set up systems to automate as much as humanly possible so they can increase their profitability and business freedom and focus on their client experience.
My model is designed to inject time, profits and freedom into your business, and give you peace of mind, knowing everything has been accounted for and you can focus on what lights you up. I will show you how a framework of strategy, systems and automation can propel your business to success.
I’m Merete from Denmark, I’ve been running my onlinebusiness on Simplero since 2013 and have been helping others with their setup since 2015 (was part of the Simplero support team from ’16 to ’18). Today my main focus is my Simplero users online club Klub Stenner (in Danish) and my 1 on 1 clients. I help a wide variety of Simplero users from the newbies first setup to the advanced automation setups or campaign details for well established online businesses.
My ideal customers are those who wants to be able to run the daily doings of their online business themselves and wants my help to get the first setup done, learn best practices, need a hand with the more advanced configurations or simply just want an efficient hotline for both technical and strategical issues.
Being a former teacher, helping my customers with the content part of the course creation process is also very close to my heart.
I work mostly with Scandinavian customers, but I’m just as happy to work in English as in Danish.
I help Simplero clients with online business development, optimisation and management. This includes systemising digital marketing and launches, creating websites and sales pages (include CSS coding to make your brand shine in Simplero), building sales pages and funnels, automating and integrating online applications to make running a business online streamlined, and figuring out the technical side of online business. I also can coordinate large-scale migration projects from multiple systems into Simplero if you’re moving from other platforms.
Need help with building or running your business, membership or marketing in Simplero? Book a complimentary discovery call with me here. Based in Queensland, Australia (but serving clients worldwide)

- setup and configuration
- migration from another platform
- membership and/or course setup
- automations, funnels, sales pages, opt-ins, email sequences
- website and blog migration, updates or management
- content creation and publishing
- and more
Hi, I’m Sarah from Denmark – an Administrative Superhero with the special power to create the framework for your courses and trainings both digitally in Simplero as well as physically for live workshops, events etc.
Simplero support
When working within Simplero my focus is on creating a user-friendly setup for your clients while making everything run as smoothly and hands-off for you as possible. I will be picking your brain to understand your business and clients in order to create a visual layout and structure to support your business and goals.
You can book me to do the full setup for you – but if you are eager to learn working in Simplero yourself I offer 1:1 trainings as well as online courses (online courses are in Danish).
Physical Events
There are more and more coaches that are combining their online courses with physical elements such as kick-off workshops or adding a physical retreat to their product portfolio. It takes a great amount of planning and coordination to host a physical event and can be quite stressful having to both deliver on the content and be in charge of the physical setup as well.
I can help you with the full scope of the physical event – and of course we will be using your Simplero platform to support the whole sign-up process as well as communication with the participants.
I look forward to helping you – you are more than welcome to reach out to me on
Certified Simplero® Experts - Star Level
Stars have mastered all the Simplero essentials.
Your Canadian V-Eh offers comprehensive Simplero expert support and executive-level online business solutions to Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, Authors and Online Service Providers who want to stand out online.
We will help you design irresistible programs, create your membership website, build sustainable revenue and eliminate the tech headaches and stress of automating your systems.
Let us help you STOP getting overwhelmed with technology and START leveraging the simplicity of Simplero.
Hello I'm Rebecca Ballard, the Singing Geek. I live in Cardiff, in the UK.
For many years, I was a Technical Trainer specialising in computer training for blind and partially sighted people. It brought 2 of my favourite things together:
- Technology (I am a gadget geek as my friends and family will tell you)
- Helping people achieve their potential.
During the COVID pandemic I became even more aware of how technology can help Online Business owner achieve their potential and what an amazing platform Simplero is, to do just that. So I signed up for Simplero's Certified Expert Programme as soon as I could.
And why the Singing Geek?
Well, music has always been a big part of my life. Now singing and leading singers has given me health and community - and more access to musical geekiness!
If you think I could help your Simplero business, take a look at my website.
Hi, my name is Navjit Kaur, and I’m delighted to help you run your dream business with Simplero.
I understand that your most valuable resources are your time and energy, which is why my approach to working with you is centered around effective communication and having efficient processes in place to support understanding your message, goals and deliverables. Together, let’s transform your challenges into wins!
Whether you’re new to Simplero, starting your business from scratch, migrating over from another platform, or an already established Simplero user, my goals are to:
- Get your message and services out into the world and into the hands of your ideal customer
- Help you nurture relationships with your customers
- Focus on delivering high quality services to your customers
- Increase your business profitability
- Save you time, money and energy so you have more freedom to do what you enjoy!
Whether that involves me writing or editing your content copy, email sequences, automations, product and course development, website design, membership design, or discussing your business vision – I can help you to define your needs and provide strategies of how Simplero implementations can benefit your overall business.
My clients describe me as having a great sense of humour, as being approachable, caring, inspiring, a skillful communicator, and super organized. I aim to make using Simplero as seamless as possible for you and to accelerate your business success!
In addition to working in the software industry for over 10 years, I'm also a certified yoga trainer – having used Simplero myself as a course creator - so you get the added perk of my zen attitude for when you’re feeling overwhelmed with the stress of technology. Now, take a deep calming breath and let’s get it done!
Schedule a discovery call with me and let’s talk about the next step for your business!
Hi, my name is Linda and I'm from Denmark. I provide support to Simplero users in Danish.
Tilbyder: Teknisk hjælp til ikke-teknikere
Jeg vejleder og taler i et sprog ikke-tekniske personer kan forstå.
Jeg kan hjælpe med.
- Hjemmeside i Simplero
- Hjemmeside i WordPress
- Opsætning af bookingkalender
- Nyhedsbrev lister i Simplero
- Opsætning af diverse freebie/kundemagneter i Simplero
- Opsætning af Onlinekurser i Simpero
- Hjælp til zoom møder/webinar
- Hjælp til SoMe platforme Facebook/Instagram
- Oplæring i Facebook annoncering for begyndere
- Oplæring i Canva billedredigeringsprogram
- Oplæring i Regnskabsprogrammet Dinero
- Virksomheds mentor til onlinevidensformidlere, Coaches og behandlere.
Jeg er Certified Simplero Expert, multi-passioneret og har siden 2013 selv taget hele rejsen som selvstændig vidensformidler.
Jeg deler al den viden jeg har samlet op på vejen. Det gælder både teknisk viden, marketingsstrategier og mentale værktøjer.
Sparringen foregår online.
For mig er ærlighed, fleksibilitet og ordentlighed vigtigt.
Jeg fakturerer min tid minut for minut.
Jeg behandler din forretning med samme respekt, som var det min egen.
Skriv til mig hvis du vil høre om jeg er et match til noget du vil have hjælp til i din forretning.
Are you a VA, Online Business Manager or Marketing expert who would like to get Certified and featured here?
Obligatory Disclaimer, because lawyers...
Simplero has certified these folks but we make no guarantees as to the quality of their work on your project and can't be held liable if they make a mistake. Your relationship with them is entirely separate from your relationship with Simplero. The Certified Experts set their own rates, determine what services they will provide and to whom, and conduct their work entirely as their own, separate businesses.