Choose Which Payment Method to Credit To
Until now, whenever you credited money back to a customer, we'd always start by crediting the oldest transaction first. The reason for this is that once transactions get past a certain age, you often can no longer credit them. So crediting the oldest ones kept our options open.
Unfortunately, if people have been with you for a long time, and have used different cards, often times this is not what you want. Generally, if you charged something in the past few weeks, and you want to give a refund,…
A Couple More Automation Tweaks: Send SMS to Your Customers, and Wait for a Weekday
Just added a couple new details to automations.
First, you can now send text messages not just to yourself as notifications, but also to your customers. That way you can offer products that consist of for example daily text messages, all pre-scheduled in advance.
Second, I added the ability to wait for a weekday, or a Monday, or a weekend, or any specific week day you want. Plus the ability to wait until you're between certain hours of the day, say between 10am and 5pm.
That means you can n…
New Feature: 1-Click Automations
I've just added the ability to start or stop automations with one click in an email.
Say you want to offer your customers a way to click a link to sign up to a list. Or get an auto-responder sequence. Or tag themselves as being interested in some topic.
You want to say "Click here to ..." and have it be instant without them having to then enter their name and email and phone number again.
Here's how you do it:
In the sidebar for your automation, you'll find two links, one for starting the au…
New Feature: 1-Click Upsells
I finally managed to finish 1-click upsells. I started on it back in November, and then it sat for a long time while I struggled to figure out exactly how to do it, and focused on other things. But now it's done, and it's here. Available for all accounts on the Basic, Professional, and Unlimited plans.
What is it? It's the ability to show additional offers immediately after a customer's original purchase is complete. You can make a whole sequence of offers, and each offer can be either accepted…
New Feature: Segments
Another piece of the marketing automation puzzle has arrived today with the new Segments feature.
Segments let you create groups out of your contacts, that you can then do things with. You can send them emails, tag them, start automations for them, or just monitor who and how many are in a segment.
Go to Segments in the main menu on the left, and click to create a new segment. Right now, the criteria you can create segments based on are pretty basic, a little bit more flexible than what you've…
Interview with Chief Creative Warrior, Songwriter, and Performing Artist Gilli Moon
One of the favorite parts of my jobs is when I get to meet some of the amazing people who use Simplero. Gill has been a customer since January, and while we've interacted many times via the support system, this is the first time we speak live with each other. Such a blessing and a blast.
It's no secret that one of my big passions, besides Simplero, software, information marketing, and life transformation, is music. So Gilli and I had a lot to talk about, and it shows in the easy-going style—we …
New Features in Simplero
In addition to Automation, a couple of important supporting features also dropped in the past week:
Triggers on auto-responses allows you to have an introductory sequence that new subscribers are taken through, and only after that sequence is through will they start receiving your regular newsletter. But you can use it for many other things as well.
Triggers on links can be used to tag people who are interested in a topic, and expresses it by clicking a link. You can tag them, add them to anot…
Getting Started with Simplero
If you've signed up for a Simplero trial account but haven't quite gotten started yet, maybe these Intro to Simplero videos will be helpful to you.
There's a ton of great content!
- Building a Website
- Building your List
- Building a Course
- Selling Products
- Email Marketing
- Automations
Lots of love,
Automation Is Here
I've just finished a feature that I've been sitting on for a while, and which I'm sure a lot of you are going to love: Automations.
Automations let you create sequences of steps that happen automatically in response to some user activity. Okay, that sounded pretty abstract.
You probably know about auto-responses already. These are emails that are sent automatically over time in response to people purchasing a product or subscribing to a list. With automations you can do the same, and much much…
New Feature: Triggers on Link Clicks
You can now add a trigger to run some action when a link is clicked.
This is super useful to catch people who are interested enough in an offer to click a link about it, but may not yet have bought the program.
Simply go to your broadcast or auto-response, find the link, click Edit, and add a trigger that will get run when they click this link. The trigger can add a tag, notify you, add them to another list, or any of a number of other actions.
You can also use this to make a link that will a…