
New Feature: Change Auto-Responders to Automation

Before we had proper automations, we were overloading auto-responders with a bunch of features that didn't quite belong there, like giving access to auto-published/dripped pages within spaces. Also, they were pretty inflexible in that you could only wait for x times 24 hours from one email to the next.

Thankfully Automations fixes all that. But what if you already have a bunch of autoresponders set up, and you want to start taking advantage of all that automatons offer?

That's where the new "C…

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New Feature: Use Automations to Give and Revoke Access to Spaces and Auto-Published Pages

Four new action options in automatons and triggers:

  • Give access to a space
  • Revoke access to a space
  • Give access to an auto-published page within a space
  • Revoke access to an auto-published page within a space

You can see an automation I've created to test it out here.

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New Feature: Resurrect Deleted Pages in Spaces

When you delete a page in a space, we don't really delete it, we just hide it. Why? Because there may be tons of content and user contributions on that page, and accidentally deleting a page that you didn't mean to delete really really sucks.

Until now, though, you had to contact us about bringing a deleted page back to life.

Not so anymore. You can now go to Settings inside your space, and in the sidebar on the right you'll find the deleted pages, all of which you can now resurrect with a sin…

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New Feature: Prices Only for People Who Have Purchased Products or Subscribed to Lists

You can now create special prices for people who already own another product of yours, or people who are currently subscribed to one or more of your lists.

Just go to Product > Prices, create a new price, set the amounts and other conditions, and find the section labeled "Engagement":

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Common Business Sense

Just watched some old episodes of Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares. I love that show. I love entrepreneurship, I love restaurants, I love food, I love systems and processes that work, and I love seeing him take things that don't work and make them work.

What really strikes me about the program is that it always comes back to those fundamental basics: Is the food good and delivered on time? Is the menu and the decor inspiring and inviting? Is there leadership and re the systems working? Is the…

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How to Hire the Right People

Kareem started last week last week as the COO of Simplero, and I couldn't be more excited.

I went through a very specific process to make the hire, very much inspired by Danny Iny at Firepole Marketing, and I'd like to share that process with you here.


Before you begin, you need to know who you're looking for. Create an avatar. Really envision what it's going to be like working with this person, what will it look like day-to-day, what will it feel like. This helps you identify wha…

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From Creativity Comes Productivity


So I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but in the past week and a bit, quite a few important features were added to Simplero:

Plus a handful more smaller changes.

To be honest, I’ve been quite taken by surprise by the surge of energy and excitement and new stuff myself, even though I’ve been the one doing all of it.

Looking back, I think the past few month…

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Choose Which Payment Method to Credit To

Until now, whenever you credited money back to a customer, we'd always start by crediting the oldest transaction first. The reason for this is that once transactions get past a certain age, you often can no longer credit them. So crediting the oldest ones kept our options open.

Unfortunately, if people have been with you for a long time, and have used different cards, often times this is not what you want. Generally, if you charged something in the past few weeks, and you want to give a refund,…

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A Couple More Automation Tweaks: Send SMS to Your Customers, and Wait for a Weekday

Just added a couple new details to automations.

First, you can now send text messages not just to yourself as notifications, but also to your customers. That way you can offer products that consist of for example daily text messages, all pre-scheduled in advance.

Second, I added the ability to wait for a weekday, or a Monday, or a weekend, or any specific week day you want. Plus the ability to wait until you're between certain hours of the day, say between 10am and 5pm.

That means you can n…

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