Interview with Chief Creative Warrior, Songwriter, and Performing Artist Gilli Moon

One of the favorite parts of my jobs is when I get to meet some of the amazing people who use Simplero. Gill has been a customer since January, and while we've interacted many times via the support system, this is the first time we speak live with each other. Such a blessing and a blast.

It's no secret that one of my big passions, besides Simplero, software, information marketing, and life transformation, is music. So Gilli and I had a lot to talk about, and it shows in the easy-going style—we even ended up giving a tour of our respective homes, work spaces, and studios at the end.

Enjoy the interview right here:

Please go check out her sites: is Gilli's site as a performing artist. is business school for artists.
Http:// is Gilli's record company. is the songwriter's association she started it 1997.
I just went ahead and signed up for all of them (and I'm very picky about the newsletters I want to be on).
I hope you enjoy the interview as much as I did.
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New Feature: Segments


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