
The punchline got me

I had the pleasure of interviewing Gay Hendricks again yesterday. He's always such a joy to be with.

This time, he said something in particular that really resonated with me.

He told the story of a nun. She'd been a nun for 40 years. A long long time.

Then this man visited the monastery. And by the time he got up at 7:30, she was already out in the garden praying.

The next morning, he got up at 6:30. Still, she was out there praying.

The next morning, he set the alarm for 5.30, only to agai…

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Nurturing Your Body With Healthy Aerobic Exercises

Crushing the Coronavirus with Calvin Correli and Special guest Thomas Vidø discussing.

I'm a 44 years old husband and dad. Through my own company,, I'm working fulltime as a professional running coach.
I help recreational runners to significantly improve their race-results within 5k to the marathon through ideal running technique and training structure.

I would like to talk about the importance of good aerobic exercise during the crisis. To me, this means fat burning as oppos…

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Give yourself a break.

Allow yourself a pause.

It's okay to take it slow for a bit.

Spend time with the family. Or just with yourself.

You've been running so fast for so long.

Wake up and take a nap.

Snap out of the trance.

Don't worry. The pace will pick up again when it's time.

For now, just relax and enjoy the slower pace.

With passion,

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Leading Well in Times of Uncertainty

Crushing the Coronavirus with Calvin Correli and special guest Amber Lilyestrom.

Amber Lilyestrom is a transformational branding strategist and business coach, author, and speaker. She has been featured by Entrepreneur, Working Mother Magazine, The Goal Digger and Influencer podcasts and Mentorbox. She is the host of The Amber Lilyestrom Show podcast, which has over 100,000 monthly downloads. She is the creator of the Ignite Your Soul Summit, an annual live event in Portsmouth, NH and multiple …

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Incorporating Rest into your Daily Life with Karen Brody

Crushing the Coronavirus with Calvin Correli and Special guest Karen Brody.

Karen Brody is mother, speaker, and founder of (, whose mission is to create a world of well-rested, awakened people. At Daring to Rest, she has created an online academy for women around the world who receive training in yoga nidra, a sleep-based meditation practice, and the Daring to RestTM method. She also supports women to dare to rest personally through NAP, an online membe…

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Mastering what you know with Dolores Hirschmann

Crushing the Coronavirus with Calvin Correli and his Special guest Dolores Hirschmann.

Dolores Hirschmann, ACC, CPCC, is an internationally recognized strategist, coach, speaker, and founder of Masters in Clarity, a strategy and coaching company that helps clients clarify their message and implement virtual business growth systems. Dolores has been a remote employee and virtual business owner for over 20 years. As a former TEDx organizer, Dolores understands how to help experts, authors, consul…

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What to do now?

It's coronavirus time all over the world.

People are scared. They're getting sick. Losing their jobs. The economy is tanking.

What is one to do?

I'll tell you what: Calm your inner child. And then invest.

That's exactly what we're doing here at Simplero.

According to Variety magazine, ad spending is falling off a cliff.

Guess what that means for you and me?

Yup. Cheaper ads. Less competition.

When others piling on is the time to be cautious.

When others are fearful is time to expand. Gr…

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How to leverage masterminds in your coaching business in this special economy with Calvin Correli and Jeff Borschow

Jeff Borschowa of Get It Together Masterminds shares his best practices for building a mastermind-based coaching model.

Watch the video and find out how to:

  • Structure a mastermind to optimize participant success - elements of a mastermind, key questions, etc.
  • Price your mastermind coaching.
  • Overcome objections and sell your mastermind coaching offer.
  • Deliver one-to-many coaching through masterminds.
  • Leverage digital channels to both sell and deliver mastermind coaching.

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How to launch a course during the coronavirus crisis

A conversation with Calvin Correli and his Special guest: Maja Nussbaum.

Maja is one of our Support Heroes here at Simplero, and she's taken this opportunity to create that course that she's long wanted to create, to make a side income for herself.

Watch the video and find out about her journey and what made her successful.

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How to stay calm and thrive during these times - Crushing the Coronavirus with Calvin Correli and Nicola Bird

A conversation with Calvin Correli and his Special guest: Nicola Bird.

Nicola Bird is a Hay House Author and the founder of where she helps people experience freedom from anxiety, worry, and stress. She is currently using Simplero to support people through this current crisis by giving away her online program with her unique perspective - which she'll be sharing more of on the FB Live.

About Nicola: Nicola is one of our amazing customers at Simplero that is ro…

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