
Who's got your money?

I got an email from Grant Cardone today with a topic that I wanted to share with you because I love it so much.

It's the question in the subject line:

Who's got your money?

If you want to make more money, well, then you gotta figure out who currently has the money that you want, and what exchange you can make with them, so they willingly hand over that money to you.

All of the money in the world currently resides in someone's hands. Some person, or group of persons, control the purse str…

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The big three

Something I've started to do religiously is deciding on my big three for the day.

Each day, I decide on the top three things I need to get done today.

The most strategically important thing to get done.

The thing that's going to move me forward.

It could even be just one or two things. It doesn't have to be three.

It really helps me focus.

I can have a dozen other to-dos, and if I get to them, that's great. But my big three, they always get done.

Unless shit's really going down.

It's bee…

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Webinars and Simplero - partners to grow your list

By now you probably know how important it is to always be building your list.

It's the backbone of internet marketing - the foundation of your business.

There are many ways to build your list, but few are as powerful, effective, and low-maintenance as webinars.

Think about it...

What better way to introduce somebody to your brand and products than face to face?

The entire goal of marketing is to connect with people - to get them to know, like and trust you (without lying or being manipulati…

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We have a new saying here at Simplero HQ:

Consistency will bring us farther than inspiration ever will.

It's something we picked up from our friend Darrell.

Darrell is awesome. He's helping us grow Simplero, and he's been such a great resource ... and it doesn't hurt that he's a great guy to boot.

It's another way to say something we've been saying around here for a while: Lifestyle over diet.

I like how Darrell says it, though.

And we can't hear the message often enough.

Where do you nee…

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Love as much as you can from wherever you are

There's an awesome (and funny) book called Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment by Thaddeus Golas.

You cannot love a title like that.

I heard about it from Gay Hendricks years ago, and it's as great today as it was then.

Its point is simple: The way to enlightenment is to love as much as you can from wherever you are.

Right now, whatever feeling you have, love it.

When your customers are yelling at you, love how you feel.

When it's pouring down and the cold wind is howling and you have to be …

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Serve first, serve last, serve in the middle

There are so many funnel hacks, conversion optimization tricks, and so on that can squeeze a bit more money out of the system.

And all that has its place.

But the number one thing is to serve.

Show up every day determined to serve.

Show up every day committed to be a beacon of light, a breath of fresh air, of love and care and service, for everyone who comes into contact with you.

Every relationship, no matter if it's a customer or a team member or a vendor or just the barista at the local …

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Grow Your List with QUIZZES!

Subscribers are the heartbeat of your online business.  

How do you get more of them?  And particularly, how do you get more IDEAL subscribers? 

The people who truly need what you have to offer.

Quizzes are the answer!

Learn from Simplero power user Heather Alice Shea how to use quizzes to grow your email list.  

In just 16 days, 340 people have taken her quiz and EIGHTY of them are entirely new to her orbit. 

Check out her quiz here, and watch the video for the behind-the-scenes on how to…

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Commit or get out

I've recently hired an Executive Assistant. It's a real game-changer.

Dan Martell said something that really made an impression on me:

If you don't have an assistant, you're the assistant!


But it's true.

I run a multi-million dollar company, and until now, I haven't had an assistant.

That's nuts!

As soon as you hit a couple of hundred grand, you need to absolutely get yourself an assistant.

There's plenty of companies out there, too, that can get you started at a decent cost, like …

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Your body is your mind

Are you stiff anywhere,?

Any muscles that you haven't used in a while?

Most of us think it's all in our brain, and our bodies are secondary, not as important. Boy, are we wrong.

The body and mind are not separate. It's one organism. It's one whole.

We all know when we think something scary, our heart starts beating and we break out a sweat.

Likewise, when we experience something super physically pleasant, we start thinking and feeling better.

A couple of years back, I went to something sup…

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The dream or the reality

This week we launched my new book, tentatively titled "So you want to launch a course...?"

It's been flying off the virtual shelves. It felt really great to get it out there.

I've wanted to get a book written and published for a while now, and this idea of selling a low-priced ebook that dovetails perfectly with Simplero is something that we've been wanting to do for a while now.

 It's easy to dream about all the things you want to do. All the things you could do.

Actually doing them is a lo…

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