
What to do when it didn't work

When things don't work out the way you want them to, what do you do?

You try something else.

What if that doesn't work out?

Try something else.

Keep trying till you get there.

It's really that simple.

Most people give up after the first obstacle.

A lot more after the second.

Success lies sometimes at the end of trying 50 things that didn't work.

Trust me, I've been there.

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Staying safe in a crisis - Crushing the Coronavirus with Calvin Correli and Kasim Aslam

During these scary and exciting times, there's one person, more than anyone, that I turn to for insight into how things might turn out. His name is Kasim Aslam.

He's the master when it comes to markets, the safety of you and your family. He's a prepper, but not a loonie.

It's time to be calm and lead.

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This virus is the real deal

At first, my thought was that the virus was going to turn out to be not that big of a deal, but that the economic consequences were going to be very real.

The second half is definitely going to hold up.

I'm not so sure about the first half.

This is the best article I've read on the subject.

Based on my latest information, death rates are between 0.5% and 6%, and it depends a lot on how diligently we respond.

The challenge is that we don't know how many cases there really are. We only know h…

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I had another life-changing experience, and it was all because I trusted my gut.

I was on my way to Mexico when I saw someone tweeting out that he was going to be speaking at CPAC.

Right then and there, I got this strong intuition that I should go as well.

I'd only heard about the event for the first time last year, and then pretty much forgotten about it since.

But as you may know, my goal is to be a special advisor to the President of the United States on conscious nation-building.

And as…

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Hiring is a skill

It's critical that you get help with your business.

It's so tempting, especially in the early days as an entrepreneur, to try and do everything yourself. But that's a big mistake.

You absolutely need help to execute your vision for your business. And the sooner you get started getting that help, the better.

And finding, vetting, hiring, managing, and leading people is a whole separate skillset that you need to learn.

You'll make mistakes. Lots of them, probably. I know I have.

But the soone…

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Introducing a new Support Ticket Widget!

We're really excited to introduce a new feature that has been highly requested within the Simplero community. 

It's called a Support Ticket Widget and it's going to allow you to communicate with your customers in a much easier way! 

It's also going to allow your customers to find immediate answers to their questions. Immediate answer plus no support ticket is a win-win! 

Here's a quick video on how it works and how to configure it on your site: 

Here is the custom CSS to copy that I m…

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8 hours a week

I used to hate working out.

Don't get me wrong. I'd do it. But I didn't enjoy it. It was a necessary evil.

If I could never work out and still feel okay, I'd do that.

That all changed in 2017 when Bengt Valentino Andersen challenged me to work out 8 hours a week.

At the time I was working about maybe 4-5 hours a week, and I thought I was doing pretty great.

Bengt just looked at me and said: "If you want the body you say you do, then you'll have to work out more than that."

Six hours if you…

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