
Finding the Sweet Spot of Effective Effort Without Slaving or Struggling

It’s been a long process. Depending on how you count, it’s been 3 years or 10. Today is the day that our visa application went through.

I’m stilling getting used to The New Me, the version of me where I say something will be, and it happens that way.
When I was Old Me, things rarely worked out. I’d work hard. In fact, I’d slave away at things. But most of the time, things didn’t work out. It didn’t mean I stopped trying or working hard, it just meant I stopped expecting things to work out.

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Racheal Cook, Another Happy Switcher

It's switcher's week here at Simplero.

Racheal Cook, also known as The Yogipreneur, switched from Office AutoPilot (aka Ontraport) about 6 months ago, and she couldn't be happier.

Hear how Simplero saved her over $1000  per month, and her amazing story of how she came to be The Yogipreneur.

To learn more about Racheal, visit her website

And make sure you sign up for her free 28-day "Fired Up & Focused" challenge.

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Interview with Lloyd Burnett, who switched from InfusionSoft to Simplero

Meet Lloyd. Lloyd is a coach to entrepreneurs who is featured on The Huffington Post. He helps entrepreneurs with the "inner game" of entrepreneurship, removing the hidden blocks and resistance.

In this interview, he talks about how he was using InfusionSoft for several years, which cost him a ton, not only in the direct cost, but also in all the help he had to hire to make it work for him, and the fact that he had to focus more on project management than on running his business.

Enter Simpler…

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The Secret to Making Affirmations Work for You


For years, I heard people talk about affirmations, but I hated them. I would try every once in a while, but they didn't really work for me.

The first time I tried them was around 2006 after I'd bought a Tony Robbins tape, and he suggested I repeat to myself "every day in every way I'm getting stronger and stronger". Not my typical thing, but I have noting to lose, so I tried it for a while. But that voice inside kept saying "bullshit", and eventually I stopped.

Later, though, I learned how to …

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Interview with Keri Nola

Keri Nola is a licensed psychotherapist with a thriving private practice for the past decade, who has recently branched out into products, using Simplero.

Keri found Simplero a few months ago, referred to it in the interview as "the midwife for her business" (an expression I loved so much I had to write down right away).

She's the reason we do what we do here at Simplero - so that we may remove "I don't understand technology" from your repertoire of excuses, so that you may confront the real r…

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Recording Audio Content

Audio is a great way to both transfer information and to deepen your connection with your audience.

Through audio, they can get a much better feel for you than they can with just text. they can hear your voice, where you pause, your intonations. Maybe you make a mistake and we get to hear how you tackle that. Maybe you allow yourself to improvise and to think out loud as you're speaking.

Another advantage is that we can listen with our entire bodies, and thus tune into you at a deeper level, a…

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How to Deal with Content Theft


As info-preneurs, we're faced with the reality of content on the internet: The internet makes copying digital content extremely easy - in fact, every single bit of data that's transferred across the internet is being copied, not moved, to get from the server it resides on, to the customer who has paid to access it. In other words, copying is at the root of the nature of the internet.

So how do we prevent people from just copying our content and giving it to all their friends or uploading it to …

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Two Ways to Handle the Back Catalog of Your Monthly Club

A common product type is a monthly club, where members get a new piece of content (a monthly "theme") each month, for as long as they remain a member. Typically there'll also be an only discussion group, either in a Simplero Space, or on Facebook. And maybe a monthly webinar or group coaching call.

The big question what happens with all the old content? What do you do with your "back catalog" of previous months' content, including recordings of the calls?

There are two options:

  1. You can give…

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Our Secret Ideals

As a kid I saw all the grownups talk very seriously and never show any emotion. They seemed to have their shit together. I'd always have emotions. I'd feel angry or hurt or wrong or something, and I'd feel wrong for having those feelings. I felt like I wasn't even close to having my shit together.

Somehow that ideal has been stuck in my unconscious all these years, and it wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that I realized it. I met a man, who really seemed to have his act together. He spoke in …

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Upper Limits

As I mentioned, I came across this placed called Little Vegas, which is basically a bunch of machines that will happily take your money in exchange for a few seconds fun. And I have all of these voices in my head saying they're dangerous evil places.

But then I realized, hey, what's so evil about them? They might not be my particular taste, but I've actually never given them a fair chance, and if my kids like them, what's the problem? Everything else around is equally expensive, so whether they…

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