
Inner Growth

Doing the Head Trip Stuff

I remember years ago I was at a Dan Kennedy workshop, where he said that, of all the things you could do to grow your business, the "head trip stuff" was the most impactful.

I tend to agree.

If you don't know Dan Kennedy, he's considered the "grand old man" by a lot of "internet marketing gurus". I followed him closely for a while, went to his seminars and conferences, until I got enough.

He uses the term "head trip stuff" for everything that works with your mindset, psychology, and the like.…

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Working All Three Levels

Do you ever feel like you're stuck?

Duh, right? We all do from time to time.

Well, what do you do when your'e stuck?

Here's what I like to do:

First, I start with an understanding that being stuck is something I've actively (though most likely unconsciously) created, and that getting unstuck is about identifying how I have created "stuck" so I can stop doing that.

Then I like to work on all four levels simultaneously: Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

  • Physical: What actions can I t…

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New Easy Optins for Your Site, Honesty, Fast Cars, Self-Love

Billy Joel wrote a great song called Honesty a while back, and it's still one of my favorites. Unfortunately, he didn't play it when I saw him at the garden last year. In fact, he skipped most of my favorite Billy Joel song. But I digress. 

I find that I much prefer that people tell me the truth, no matter how horrible it is. You hate me? Tell me. You're not sure you want to be with me? Bring it on, I can take it. You've kept something from me? Come clean now. You've done something horrible? …

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How to Make Time to Create Content

A question that's come up a lot recently is: How can I make time to create content.

As a Creator myself, I can relate to that question a lot.

I very much live to create. I create code. Words. Music. Food. Drinks. Space. 

I know for myself, I need time to create. This week, there are 9 distinct blocks in my calendar. Two of them are gym sessions with my trainer. Two of them are meetings with my team. Two of them are coaching sessions (where I'm the one being coached). One is an interview with …

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Redefining Entrepreneurship

You may not know this about Simplero, but we don't think of ourselves as a software company. We're more like a lab looking to redefine entrepreneurship.

So much of the talk in business is about all the rational stuff. The what and the how. The numbers and the strategies. But we all know there's so much more to life than that. So why do we tend to check that at the door when it comes to business? 

Love is what makes the world go round. The same should be the case in business.  

If we're not do…

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Steal That Being

Other people have figured shit out. What I mean by that is that (almost) everything you want to accomplish in life, someone else already has. You can learn from them.

That's not news. That's what we all do around here. And Tony Robbins has long said "success leaves clues". You can learn their strategies. 

But, to me, what's much more interesting than learning strategies from people is to learn ways of being.

Imagine what it's like to be some person that has achieved what you dream of. Maybe i…

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Know Yourself

I'm back home in New York after an exciting trip to Los Angeles. It's good to be home (which, incidentally, is the hook in one of my songs.)

I’ve long been a fan of Meyer-Briggs. It’s a simple system for describing people along four main axes: introvert/extrovert, intuitive/sensing, thinking/feeling, perceiving/judging.

Since I first got to know the system many years ago, it spoke to me. It’s so simple and it's so easy to grasp, and it’s super easy to assess yourself and other people without h…

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Taking A Break

I've just taken a vacation for a week, hence the missing newsletter last week.

I rarely go on vacation. I think last time I went somewhere just to take a vacation was 5 days in Miami in March 2014!

I always have this resistance towards going before leaving. Then once I'm in the car toward the airport, I'm fine.

There are many reasons for the resistance. See if you can relate.

First, I'm introverted, so I have a slight resistance to meeting new people. For example, I'd much rather watch a TV …

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How Many Tools Do You Need?

As you've probably heard, I've been getting into music recently, writing, singing, producing, and, occasionally, performing. And in doing so, I've fallen into the classic trap more than once.

Which trap, you ask?

The trap of acquiring tools instead of making music.

The thing is, I'm busy. I've got lots of things on my plate. Hiring, leading, coding, marketing, serving, there's enough to keep me busy. So what do you do when you don't have the time to actually sit your ass down in the chair and…

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Starting Small, and a Bunch of New Features

When I started Simplero back in 2009, I started by writing just one piece: The part that could charge people's credit cards for a product in a single payment, or in installments. That was it. Everything else, I was doing using some other tool. This was the part that was most painful in my existing setup, and so I started there. 

Later on, I added email marketing, then member sites, then landing pages, and so on. One piece at a time.

It's one of the questions I ask almost all the time, with any…

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