
Inner Growth

Restore the Flow

I've long been fascinated with the interplay of mind and body.

NYC-march-28-medium.jpgWe all know that the mind impacts the body. Something as simple as a frightened thought entering our mind, and our heart starts racing. Even more than that, I've always found it fascinating how every single double blind medical trial is proving that if you believe you're getting treatment, a large percentage of us will actually get physically better. What's cooler than that? I wish we'd have way more doctors study how to apply the p…

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Why You're There

17268014_386848735028589_4201220834376810496_n-medium.jpgI'm in Austin for the big mess that is SXSW, aka south-by. It's my fourth time here, and it's interesting to see how it's changed. It was Gary Vaynerchuk who originally told me I HAD to go to this, and that was in 2010. I went in 2011, and again in 2014. This year I wanted to go as well, but not so much for the interactive part, which is what I've gone for in the past, but for the music part, to see what's going on in the music scene, make some connections, and learn some new things.

Once here,…

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Share What You Care About

statue-of-liberty-medium.jpgI've just come across something that's shaken me up, in a good way.

I've long been wanting to write a book. In fact, I have several drafts of half books, abandoned, never finished.

Tonight, I was browsing around in Julia Cameron's book The Right to Write, when I remembered a book I read a long time ago: Gerald Weinberg's Weinberg on Writing: The Fieldstone Method.

And right there, in the beginning, was the key that I've been looking for. Something that I've obviously read before, and long ago…

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Friend or Foe?

It's (still) 2017, baby!

Today's Calvin Show Episode is ... "Friend or Foe?"

We talk about:

  • Do you have enemies in business?
  • Getting legal threats from Zendesk
  • When to fire someone
  • Is the Universe really your friend? Really? 


Do I look like an 80s teen heartthrob or what??

Go watch it now, and remember to leave a question or a comment.

Like Giving Interviews?

I do. I love it. I've mentioned a couple times here that if you'd like to interview me for your audience, I'd love to part…

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New Year, No Resolutions

krug-medium.jpgHappy New Year!

Hope you got into it super well.

I had the most amazing New Year's Eve, and the most amazing New Year's Day. So heart opening, romantic, lovely. Possibly the best day of my life so far. I'm super grateful.

I have another episode of The Calvin Show for you. We had some issues with the editing. It was supposed to go out before NYE, but now you get it today instead.

It's titled "New Year, No Resolutions".

In this episode:

  • Avoid New Year pitfalls
  • Stop beating yourself up, yo…

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No News is Good News

That was a crazy year, wasn't it? And it's almost over.

A lot of people hated 2016. Lots of big names died, and it feels like they've just kept on dropping these last few days. The election here in the US, of course, was awful to watch (and also entertaining, evidently, if you don't take it too seriously).

For me, though, 2016 has been my best year ever. I expect the same of 2017, and I wish the same for you.

On the note of awful news, here's episode 004 of The Calvin Show: No News is Good Ne…

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Christmas is almost here! I'll keep this short and sweet.

The second episode of The Calvin Show is here!

On this episode, we meet Victor who after meeting with tragedy has found a new perspective on life. I spoke with him at length this summer, and he graciously agreed to come on the show and share his experiences with you. This is his story…

We talk about:

  • the importance of being grateful for all the little things
  • following through on your word (or not saying said word in the first place…

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It's a Vulnerable Journey

First, a huge congratulations to all of our customers: You have officially sold for more than $40 million dollars by now. That's incredible. A lot of people are making a lot of money, doing a lot of good in the process. We're so proud of you!

Also: Brand new design landed on Simplero today. Read more HERE!

So ... Vulnerability ...

sous-vide.jpgI'm doing so many new things these days. Restarting the video show in a whole new way. Losing
weight faster and easier than I've ever lost weight before, like I wro…

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I want to talk about leadership today, and I want to do it in a way you might not have thought about it before.

Taking leadership is something I'm (slowly, some would say) learning these days, and it's challenging, and exhilarating, and powerful.

The way I define leadership is to tune in to your inner voice, and getting really clear on what you truly want, and then acting on that. Acting can be in the form or making a request or writing something or playing or sketching or drawing or whatever.…

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