
Inner Growth

You're Not Separate



A lot of the pain and frustration that we human beings experience come from the idea that we're separate beings. That we're a something inside a bag of skin. I'm here, you're there, the table's there. The customers are there, the money are there. Things exist outside of myself.

I know that it seems so absolutely real, but when you stop to investigate it, to really look at it, you realize it's false. There cannot be a you without your surroundings. You're breathi…

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The creative process


I love the creative process. I love not knowing how things are going to unfold, and just trusting in life to guide me and move me to the right place.

Our lease is up at the end of the year, and we don't know where we'll move next. We've thought of moving to California, most likely west of LA near Malibu, but we've also considered Williamsburg or not having a place for a while and driving around California or traveling the world. I don't know what we'll do, and it'll be exciting to see w…

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Cultivating your greatest capacity


I'm reading a book from 1975 titled The Courage to Create, by Rollo May. One thing in particular stood out, namely this passage about physical courage:

When I was a child in a small Midwest town, boys were expected to fistfight. But our mothers represented a different viewpoint, so the boys often got licked at school, and then whipped for fighting when they came home. This is scarcely an effective way to build character. As a psychoanalyst, I heard time and again of men who had been s…

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Nothing to do


Here's a Wednesday morning or afternoon truth for you: There really is nothinbeach-night-medium.jpgg for you to do.

Everything you dream of, everything you wish to create, or to experience, is right there for your taking.

I'm not saying sit on the couch all day. I'm just saying, do what you feel called to do in the moment. Act from a place of inspiration. Do what you feel the impulse and the energy to do in the moment. And don't worry about anything else. Don't worry about all of the things you have to do or get…

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Do You Know What You're Talking About?

When someone criticizes you, you have two choices: You can either defend yourself, argue for why they're wrong and you're right. Or you can see if you can find someplace in you where they're right.

I'm certainly familiar with the first choice. My fear was always that if I agree with you, then I must take whatever action you think I should take, or whatever action would be the "correct" response to agreeing. Like if someone says "I think this feature in Simplero is wrong". If I agree, will I now…

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Would it be okay if it's easy?

Every single time I've struggled with something, when I finally found the key that unlocked the solution, it turned out to be easy.

If you've got the wrong key, or you're trying the wrong door, or you're turning the key the wrong way, or sticking it in the wrong hole, it's going to be a STRUGGLE. You push and push, turn and turn, fiddle and moan and hurt yourself and get all wound up, but the door simply won't open.

That's when it's time to pause, take a deep breath, and say: "I choose easy wo…

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Occupying space

First off, thank you all for an incredible birthday celebration last week. We had a blast at the live webinar, and all throughout the week received so much outpouring of support and gratitude, it was hard to no blush. Thank you.

Something that's on my mind this week is fully occupying space. It's a weird phenomenon, but I can very much feel it. Let me explain.

The idea comes from Gay Hendricks' book The Big Leap, which I've just finished reading for probably the fourth time. In the second half…

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What we all want...

I was watching some clips from last night's comedy shows on YouTube this morning, when I came across the story about Trump bringing out a fresh map of the electoral college win in the middle of a conversation with journalists about the Chinese president. That's when in dawned on me: The guy just wants to be loved!

And you know what? I can empathize with that. Isn't that true for all of us? At the end of the day, we just want to feel that sense of wholeness that comes from feeling safe and loved…

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What's Your Vision?

Just took a few days off in one of my favorite recreational spots, Calamigos Guest Ranch in Malibu. Or, as Nick calls it, the dude ranch. Fun fact: Ranch dressing was invented on a dude ranch. Uhm, I love ranch dressing.

It was a great reminder of how important it is to take some time away from the day-to-day to just chill. I literally hung out the entire day Monday by the pool. Got there for breakfast a little after 10, and didn't leave until almost 6pm when the sun had all but left. My body h…

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Egalitarianism and Other Very Long Words

I spent a few days last week at the annual songwriter expo from ASCAP, one of two organizations tasked with collecting royalties for songwriters. It's a really awesome community of people, and it's one that reminds me in many ways of the community of programmers.

My favorite part of the ASCAP Expo is Thursday night's songwriter showcase. We heard Eric Bazillian tell the story of how he wrote "One of Us" to impress a Swedish girl (who he has now been married to for 20-odd years). Or Rob Hyman wr…

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