
Inner Growth

There's always a reason

I've been doing Keto for a few months now.

And in the beginning, it was working perfectly. I was dropping body fat, feeling really good.

It was like I could feel myself more. I could feel my inner boy.

But then it was like it stopped working.

It even felt like the fat started to crawl back on.

So I added intermittent fasting. I'd stop eating at 8 pm and not start eating again until noon.

Still nothing.

Then I added some exogenous ketones. I'd used them in the beginning, but it felt like c…

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Work from Your Genius, Not Your Excellence

I had a conversation last night with a great friend who has two tracks within her business. One brings in a lot of money, and she’s really great at it. The other is her deep passion, and she’s really awesome at that, too.

As we were talking, she realized that when she’d taken a break from the first, her life had been fantastic. She’d never felt better. Business was booming, despite barely touching it.

But as soon as she’d gotten back into that business, her suffering had started. She’d gotten …

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What My Book Is Going to Be about (and Why)

I’ve tried to write a book at least five times in the past.

What I’ve done in the past is just sit down and write every day, and then see where it leads.

I can do that. Easily. I’ll happily write a thousand words a day or more, and pretty soon I’ll have 60,000 words and no clue where I’m going.

And then I’ve stopped.

Of course, it’s the stopping part that’s done me in.

But I don’t think this approach is right for me. I work best when I know where I’m going.

I want this time to be different…

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We Launched a Mastermind and Failed ... Sort Of

Quick backstory

Since my first meeting with Richard Branson back in February, I’ve been focused on getting more into living my life purpose.

So I recently went back to have another listen to a fingerprint life purpose session I had with Baeth Davis back in 2015, and it was eye-opening.

According to my fingerprints, I’m here to be on stage, bringing the audience in my hologram, sharing my vision, like Steve Jobs.

I’m here to help people realize their core identity. And I’m here to do one-on-o…

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What I Learned from a Week on Necker

calvin richard branson breakfast

I went to Necker Island for a week with a bunch of other entrepreneurs, some incredibly successful, all super generous and inspiring.

Going to Necker and meeting Richard Branson was something I’d wanted to do for a decade, and this year, the opportunity presented itself, and I jumped on it.

It was a scary thing to do. A week on Necker is not cheap. As we left the island, Russian billionaire Andrey Melnichenko was waiting for his turn in one of the world’s most expensive and biggest yachts, Sai…

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How to Muster Superpowers in Your Weakest Moments


I once heard this (maybe not so) crazy »advice« about being depressed…

If you throw someone down a stairway, you can be pretty sure, they won’t be depressed on the way down.

Maybe the feeling will come back.

But it will be gone for at least a little while.

Now, of course you don’t want to throw people down stairways, but it is true though—I bet that you (like me) can easily picture, that the mind would simply HAVE to change focus from the depressed state if someone forced you to into a d…

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Pulling the Weeds

So, I sprained my ankle recently - for the second time in a week - and I decided the Universe was telling me that I needed to slow down. I'm trying to do too much and I need to reset. 

I do this to myself sometimes.  Somehow I've got this idea that being busy means you are valuable, needed, important. 

What a load of BS.  

shutterstock_638929270.jpgI got a healthy dose of perspective today while my wife and I cleaned out the garden.  We ripped out weeds, pruned bushes, and re-potted plants to bring them inside for the…

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Being Self-Disciplined about Self-Care

Being an entrepreneur means being self-motivated and self-disciplined. 

There’s no boss standing over you requiring a specific action by a certain date. There may not even be a demanding group of customers expecting that you produce a program or product on schedule.

And yet we nonetheless create powerful work that can transform people’s lives. 

shutterstock_1176901459.jpgWe must be a pretty self-motivated bunch!

That comes naturally to me and I imagine the same is true for many of you.

The flipside is that I tend not…

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How to Ask for Help

shutterstock_1159110763.jpgAsking for help is an important skill to master.  We all need to ask for help sometimes, in both our personal lives and our work lives.

Asking for help can move us forward when we're stuck.  It helps us feel that we're not alone, that we have each others' back, and it feels great to support a friend, partner, stranger, or team member.

However, if we bring the wrong energy to asking for help, it can achieve the exact opposite: We end up feeling hurt and alone, we don't get the help we need, and the…

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Belly Breathing

Every once in a while, we get support tickets with subject lines or messages in ALLCAPS and with lots of exclamation points.

shutterstock_171308849.2.jpgSomething along the lines of:

Subject: “IT’S NOT WORKING!!!!!”

It is clear that the writer is pretty stressed out.

I’ve been there too.  I bet we all have.  And it’s no fun. 

When we are feeling that way, we are usually too upset to communicate effectively about what is not working.  Which means it takes longer for someone else to figure out what the problem is and he…

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