
Infomarketing Tips

How Much Does It Cost To Make a Membership Site, Anyway?

One of our members, Kasim Aslam, shares his experience with our features. 

In Simplero, you can create a fully functioning membership site for just $99 a month.  Less if you pay annually.

And you can build your list, nurture your leads and design your membership site for just $29 a month.

light bulb.jpgIt's a steal, people.  Especially when you consider what you would need to pay to do the same thing by patching together a bunch of other applications and plug ins if you create your membership site some oth…

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Our 5 Best Tips to Make Your Membership Site a Smashing Success

1. Be Authentic

Whatever your niche is, people are buying your products and enrolling in your programs because they feel some type of connection with you. Whether your niche is personal or business coaching, teaching yoga, ad strategy or how to draw, you have a unique opportunity to share your gift with your customers on a personal level.

What sets you apart from any other course out there on the market is YOU!  Be authentic in your sharing and weave that magic into your course. We encourage y…

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Don't Offer a Coupon! Unless...

10% Off.pngIt can feel like the cartoon with the little devil on one shoulder and the little angel on the other shoulder...

Do I offer a discount on this information product to get more purchases, even though it will mean less money per purchase?  

Or do I stick with the price I think it's worth and hope for more buyers?  

Simplero makes it SUPER easy to offer a coupon on your website or via email, but should you?

Why Not to Offer Coupons

If you keep offering your fabulous product for 10% off, then wh…

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The Right Kind of Ad Strategy

When you spend money on ads you want to know that you are making a good investment and that those ads will pay returns.  Nobody wants to just throw money away. 

Unfortunately, entrepreneurs who are new to advertising strategy usually go about it the wrong way.

The Wrong Way

They typically look at their bank account and budget to decide how much they can afford to spend on ads. Ads can be expensive and they want to spend just enough to focus some attention on their product. This entrepreneur i…

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5 Reasons to Automate - Vacation Edition

You’ve probably heard that automation is essential to the smooth running of an online business.  Guess what? We totally agree!  And we’ve built all kinds of automated features into Simplero. 

shutterstock_209069167.jpgBut what does that really mean?

And how can it improve your vacation? 

There are (at least) 5 Ways

Hit Pause on Your Business While You’re On Vacation

It’s that time of year when people dream of sunny beaches, cool mountains or really, any place away from it all.  But when you are an online entrepreneu…

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How does GDPR effect Opt Ins?

Can you believe it? It's already been one month since the new GDPR regulations came into effect! How has it been going for all of you amazing info-marketers out there?  

One of the biggest concerns about GDPR was that it would make lead magnets less useful for people running online businesses.  It's too soon to tell how that is going to play out, but let's at least make sure the new GDPR compliant processes are as clear as possible.   

Are you trying to understand how the GDPR regulations will…

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3 Essentials for Your Membership Site

Some Simplero users lead thriving communities.  Others teach what they know via course content that they release over time, or all at once.  Many Simpleristas teach and lead by providing a combination of online content and live coaching or other services. 

However you structure your membership site, there are some essential first steps that you must do if you want your site to be successful.  There are some don't-dos, too, but we'll get to those another time. 

We help our users to set up their…

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Creating a Simple Sales Funnel

Screen Shot 2018-04-30 at 8.50.10 PM

Did you know that it is easy to create a Sales Funnels here in Simplero?  If you have a freebie to give away as an incentive to sign up for your product, think about creating even just a simple Sales funnel to gain interest in new sales for any product.  Using an automation and triggers, allows you to offer sales promotions for a product, yet gives you the option to stop the automation when the contact purchases the product.  Here is a short step by step on how to set up a Sales funnel in Simple…

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Get that course flowing

Do you want your course content to flow to your customers automatically in a way so you can do it over and over again? When setting up your course content, it makes sense to automate as much as you can and give yourself more time for personal interaction with your customers and concentrate on replying to worksheets, growing your business or even taking a well-deserved vacation. Let us show you how you can make a course flow without the constant hand holding. 

Then here's how you can set it up:

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5 Easy Steps for Getting Your Product off the Ground!

Membership Site


We get a lot of question about how does Simplero all work together? What is a product? How does it relate to your membership site? How can you sell it. Where do you even start? Today, we are going to give you a step by step guide on how to start and launch your very first product!

New-Mind-Map (4).jpg

  1. First, we recommend creating a Membership Site to start. 
    If you are going to drip release or create an Evergreen program, make sure that you auto-publish your course content!

  2. Next, you will want to create your…

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