
How to know if you're doing the (right) thing...



Tips from a boat-trip


Let me tell you (yet another) story.

(I wish some of it wasn't true).

In February 2019 Simplero's marketing team met up in San Diego. We attended a very interesting marketing conference, but maybe even more important; we got together to pump up our teams' internal synergy (which is always magical). On the very first day, Calvin had bought us tickets for a 5 hour trip on a luxury yacht with a helicopter pad and free drinks. Apart from being a nice gesture, the hours…

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How cool the president (Calvin) really is...


True story.

When I was a boy, I thought I was really strong, so one time I was visiting a traveling fair with my cousins, and there was this boxing ball that you could punch to see how much of a big man you were.

I broke my wrist that day, my arm was put in plaster from knuckles to shoulder, and I reckon that would have stopped most teenagers from pursuing any goal.

But I was dead set on publishing a new bi-monthly magazine about a British rock'n'roll artist.

And bear in mind, we had no pers…

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How Beth got fully booked..


(How to decide if we're a match) 


This internal message came up in Simplero's chat-app a few days ago.

(I've shortened it for this purpose, but you get the picture—some resources are scarce).

= = =

Hi all,

I wanted to make everyone aware that Concierge appointments are fully booked for next week.

We have 5 Concierge Migration customers starting next week, plus ongoing clients...

So I'm asking for your help to manage expectations for new folks.

Could Support and Marketing staff drop me…

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[Part 2 of 2] Joshua and the (sprint) juice



... and the superpower that made Simplero happen.


Joshua who—from what I hear—writes the meanest code, had one fantastic insight to share the other day at our daily huddle. The daily huddle is a 15 minutes meeting we have to hold ourselves and each other accountable for what we're working on and a chance to share if we're blocked on anything. When you work with colleagues many timezones apart, it's nice to have these meetings.

After all, there is no water cooler in Simplero.

Like Asgard…

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[Part 1 of 2] How to sprint your way out of boredom and into engagement



... and the superpower that made Simplero happen.


It's funny, but true.

I can't talk to anyone about how I love to run on a treadmill, without them telling me how it's so beautiful to run in nature, not being stuck inside a fitness studio.


Maybe I don't like nature, okay!?

Actually, it's not that at all.

But what is it then?

Why do I love sprinting on the treadmill more than any other cardio exercise?

Well, for one thing, I would probably fall and hurt myself if I tried to do…

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What made Clive and the Spindlerman go all in?



They both had resistance at first.


This was posted in our Facebook Group recently by one of our (many) happy Simplero users.


I'm gushing! Seriously.

I was using Leadpages as I never really got my head around Simpleros landing page design interface, Leadpages was drag and drop simplicity with lots of pretty bells and whistles.

I decided to go all in with Simplero a couple of weeks ago and had the team replicate my Wordpress website.

It now looks as good and no need for integrations.…

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Why we don't cotton to nitty-gritty-pedants...



(How to decide if we're a match)


Do you remember the movie Avatar?

In the scene, where Jake Sully meets the parents of his future mate, his (coming) mother-in-law lays this on him:

= = =

It is decided. My daughter will teach you our ways. Learn well, »Jakesully«, and we shall see if your insanity can be cured.

= = =

Avatar will always remain one of my all-time-favorites, and I just love that scene.


Because it’s riddled with lessons for the taking.

Let me give you an example.

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How do I say no to the guy who LITERALLY just stuck an extra $3K in my pocket?!?!



Good question. You don't.


When I asked Megan Meyers this question...

»Say, would you be willing to do do a testimonial interview for us at Simplero?«

... her reply came swiftly within the hour...

= = =

Hey Morten,

How do I say no to the guy who LITERALLY just stuck an extra $3K in my pocket?!?! 😂

But really, I think I might be Simplero’s #1 fan so it would be my pleasure.


= = =

I hope to do (and bring) the interview in a not so distant future.

But in the meantime, lemme te…

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Release the kraken of energy...



... and the superpower that made Simplero happen.


Amazing, true story.

Calvin has created Simplero with a fraction of the resources that the big competitors in the market pour into their developer teams (we know this because they keep it no secret).

Simplero was basically built by him and from time to time one more person.

Now THAT is what I call a Super Power:

»Maintaining the momentum to build a great platform, that—hands down—easily competes with beats the crap out of any competito…

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10 years of your life crammed into Simplero...


Fun fact:

Our customers have now uploaded so many videos to Simplero that it would take you (at least) 10 years to watch them all if you spent 8 hours a day in front of your screen and with no breaks might I add... I daresay, however, that for my part it would drive me nuts to watch videos all day long so I might need to double the number of years I spent on that (rather silly) task.

But there is a problem.

The 10 (or 20?) years worth of videos were uploaded in around 8 years with an ever inc…

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