
Inner Growth

From Creativity Comes Productivity


So I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but in the past week and a bit, quite a few important features were added to Simplero:

Plus a handful more smaller changes.

To be honest, I’ve been quite taken by surprise by the surge of energy and excitement and new stuff myself, even though I’ve been the one doing all of it.

Looking back, I think the past few month…

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Getting It Fixed, and Levels of Working

How are things?

Do you have one of these areas where something is not quite the way you want them to be, and they've been that way for years?

You've tried to fix it many times, but nothing really worked, so now you've just left it alone.

Could be your weight. Could be a pain in the lower back. Could be your financial situation. Could be your relationship, or lack thereof. Could be many things.

And then one day, something changes, and you decide to do something about it. To finally fix it, on…

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Who Has Your Back?

When you're trying to achieve something new and big and stretching and important for you, it's important to have good support. It really helps to have someone who sees your potential, who holds the space for you in the new reality that you're looking to step into.

Most people have a very fixed mindset. "I am who I am who I am, and that's just the way it is, and it's never going to change." Bullshit.

While I totally subscribe to the view that there are some timeless truths for you, I also know …

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Becoming You

I'm starting a newsletter under my own name focused on becoming who you truly want to become, and aligning everything in your life around it.

Sign up here

Back in the day, I used to struggle a lot. I'd put long hours and lots of energy and money into projects that didn't work out. I'd buy tens of thousands of dollars worth of information products. I wanted so badly to "succeed", and I was doing everything I knew how to get there.

What I didn't realize at the time is that being matters a hundr…

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Receiving Help

I hope you're doing fantastic. I spent a significant chunk of last week hanging out with my mom. She lives in Denmark, I live in New York, and she was visiting me here for the first time in 15 years. She's 75, an accomplished artist, workshop leader, speaker, and very healthy and active to boot. In her past life she created a market leading 50-person software company from scratch and then sold it. I'm quite proud of my mom, and it was a joy to spend the week with her.

I've been thinking about…

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Exercise as a celebration of life

I've always had a strained relationship with physical exercise and movement. I hated phys ed in school, I hated when the family wen biking together, I hated golf, I hated pretty much anything physical. I preferred to sit very still on an office chair in front of my computer and program.

Right before I was going to be in the military I had my brother show me how to go for a run, because I'd never done it. I remember being so sore and my feet got blisters all over from the run. Phew. Not for me.

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Interviewed on HuffPo Live about changing my name

As you may know, my name wasn't always Calvin. I was born Lars. But I changed it, in part because I never liked it, in part because it was tricky in the US (especially my middle and last names - Holger Pind), but mostly because I got really curious about numerology, and wanted to try it out.

Since then I've changed my name one more time, and I'm loving it all the way. The way my life has changed since first changing my name is simply incredible, and completely in line with what the numerology s…

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What are we shooting for?

Going from having a job where you have to put in body time in order to get paid, like most people do, to making your income from passive or recurring sources, like royalties, licenses, and so on, is a really big step. I wish for everyone to experience the financial freedom that it brings.

But I think if that's all we're shooting for, that's setting the bar pretty low.

What I really want to see is, I want each and every human being on this planet to discover their inner life force, their creati…

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Stop trying so damn hard

I had the craziest day a couple of weeks ago that I've been meaning to tell you about.

For a long time, I've been wanting to do stand-up comedy. I took a workshop last year and it totally sucked. I also took some classes in improv, but it wasn't quite the same. People have told me that stand-up comedy was a very specific discipline, and that it takes something very special, and that there's a lot of technique and that I should basically forget about it. Blah blah blah.

For even longer, I've be…

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Wanting to do vs wanting to get done

Almost the same, but so different.

It's something I struggle with a lot. There are a lot of things I want to get done. So when I start my day by asking myself, what would I really love to do today, frequently the question I really end up answering is the other one, What would I like to get done today?

Don't get me wrong. Getting things done is great. But it's easy to end up just ticking items off a to-do list without making real progress, without making the contribution we came here for, witho…

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