
Simplero Clients OS

Not Making Enough Money as a Coach? Here's How to Fix It.

It pains me when coaches aren’t being properly compensated for their work.

Coaches are doing phenomenal work, helping people get and stay healthy, create incredible relationships, build amazing businesses, build wealth, and so much more.

Coaches help people get out of pain and achieve their heart’s desires.

But you can be the world’s greatest coach, and still not get paid what you’re worth, if you don’t get a few things right.

It’s frustrating when you know you’re doing incredible work, and you see …

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How to Consistently Generate Leads as a Coach

How are you doing getting leads?

This is a struggle for a lot of coaches I speak with.

As a coach, I'm guessing you LOVE the work you do.

You know you’re making a big difference in people’s lives.

If only you could get a consistent flow of new clients… that would be amazing!

Well, that’s what I’m going to talk about today.

Getting clients consistently comes down to having three things in place:

  1. An attractive Lead Magnet

  2. A way to bring attention to your Lead Magnet

  3. A mechanism for enrolling prospects that…

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Want to Start an Online Course Business? (9 Step How To!)


So here you are. Researching “how to create online courses,” and this pops up. Lucky you! 

The world of teaching online courses is not easy to navigate. There is lots of info out there about what to do, how to do it, and what not to do. But we want to break it all down for you from start to finish - into tangible steps that you can take today. 

This guide will walk you through the different steps involved in making an online course business and help you create a platform for your business that…

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Webinars and Simplero - partners to grow your list

By now you probably know how important it is to always be building your list.

It's the backbone of internet marketing - the foundation of your business.

There are many ways to build your list, but few are as powerful, effective, and low-maintenance as webinars.

Think about it...

What better way to introduce somebody to your brand and products than face to face?

The entire goal of marketing is to connect with people - to get them to know, like and trust you (without lying or being manipulati…

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Grow Your List with QUIZZES!

Subscribers are the heartbeat of your online business.  

How do you get more of them?  And particularly, how do you get more IDEAL subscribers? 

The people who truly need what you have to offer.

Quizzes are the answer!

Learn from Simplero power user Heather Alice Shea how to use quizzes to grow your email list.  

In just 16 days, 340 people have taken her quiz and EIGHTY of them are entirely new to her orbit. 

Check out her quiz here, and watch the video for the behind-the-scenes on how to…

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Capturing Contacts and Cash

Have you ever struggled with landing page design?

I have too. It's so frustrating to open up the page editor and then stare blankly at the screen waiting for inspiration.

Not exactly a recipe for success.

And it's not just about looking pretty - your pages need to convert visitors to buyers.

Every website, every ad campaign, every funnel hinges on your landing pages being amazing.

But when you’re faced with that blank page, it’s so easy to get overwhelmed or fall into the same designs and p…

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How to turn free group members into paying customers - Simplero Secrets with Shane Nicholas

What if your free Facebook group brought in $1,800 a month in revenue?

Think about that for a second.

$1,800 a month.

For some of you, that would be life-changing.

It means finally quitting that job you hate.

Taking your family on an amazing vacation.

Saving for college or a house payment.

At the very least, it's a viable passive revenue stream.

But is something like that even possible?

How do you make money from a free Facebook group?

That's exactly what Simplero user Shane Nicholas h…

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Build a 6 FIGURE Niche Business - Simplero Secrets with Kasim Aslam from Nido Marketing

Stephen remembered when Nido Marketing hit 6 figures...

It wasn't even a year into the business.

He remembered thinking, "Hot damn, he actually did it."

And then his immediate next thought was "how?" (I'm sure you can relate.)

You see, he was there when it started.

Kasim Aslam (the legend himself) and Stephen thought up this idea for a membership business, a side project really. They saw an underserved community with a problem they knew they could solve, so they took the chance.

Stephen he…

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Tips from running a 6-figure coaching business in Simplero

Attention coaches!

Are you getting the most out of Simplero?

Do you have the right systems in place to scale your business?

Is there a massive blind spot in your business that's costing you thousands of $ that you don't even know about?

There's a saying: "you don't know what you don't know."

And it's true – which is why we talked with Dolores Hirschmann to hear how she uses Simplero to run a healthy 6-figure coaching business.

Dolores, Chief Clarity Officer at Masters in Clarity and Simple…

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How Claire Mitchell made £22,000 over a weekend with Simplero

Are you out of ideas for your business? Or maybe just curious about what others are doing?

We're here to help with our Simplero Secrets!

See what the many successful and creative Simplero users are up to like Claire Mitchell, from The Girls Mean Business. 

Claire recently made an extra £22,000 using Simplero to launch a last-minute idea. She also has a beautiful and innovative membership site that maximizes the 'only show for a limited period of time feature'.  

Watch the video for details.

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