How to Consistently Generate Leads as a Coach

How are you doing getting leads?

This is a struggle for a lot of coaches I speak with.

As a coach, I'm guessing you LOVE the work you do.

You know you’re making a big difference in people’s lives.

If only you could get a consistent flow of new clients… that would be amazing!

Well, that’s what I’m going to talk about today.

Getting clients consistently comes down to having three things in place:

  1. An attractive Lead Magnet

  2. A way to bring attention to your Lead Magnet

  3. A mechanism for enrolling prospects that got your Lead Magnet into your coaching packages

Three things.

Lead Magnet

A Lead Magnet is a free or low-priced offer that is

  1. Super attractive so people want it

  2. Highly valuable, so you demonstrate your expertise

  3. Designed to make them want your core offer after they consume it

I’m not going to talk about how to create a Lead Magnet here. There’s lots of content out there on this.

A lot of coaches I know don’t even have a Lead Magnet.

They get clients through word of mouth.

Word of mouth is amazing, but not reliable.

Without a Lead Magnet you cannot expect a consistent flow of clients.


Once you have a Lead Magnet, you need to get people to know about it.

There are only three ways you can do this.

  1. Paid ads

  2. Partner

  3. Organic

Paid ads is about paying Meta/Facebook/Instagram, Google/YouTube, TikTok, LinkedIn, X, or other online platforms to run your ads to relevant audiences on their site.

Paid aids are great because you can get started instantly, and you can do a lot of experimentation.

The downside is that the moment you stop paying them, the lead flow stops.

You’re also going to be paying for your ads whether you make any money or not.

And it can be pretty expensive.

The days where you could run ads straight to your page to buy from you are over.

You have to be pretty smart about what the Lead Magnet is and how you enroll people into your coaching program from there, to make the numbers work.

However, you can get started right away, and for a small amount of money. $5 a day will typically be enough to get you started.

Partner is where you find someone else out there who has your Dream Client as part of their audience, and they’re willing to share your Lead Magnet with their audience, in exchange for a cut of the revenue.

Partners are also known as affiliates, ambassadors, referral partners, JVs, influencer marketing, and other fancy names. It’s all roughly the same.

What’s great is you’re paying your peers, and not big faceless corporations who will never let you talk to a human and are controlled by three letter agencies.

You typically also only pay on results. If you don’t make money, you don’t pay your partners anything either.

Of course, if they keep promoting for you and they don’t make anything, they’ll probably stop promoting at some point.

But it’s much less risky.

The downside is that you have to cultivate the relationships with your partners, and you’ll have to work around their schedule.

Most serious partners will have their promotional calendar all mapped out, and it might take months before you can get on their schedule.

You can also end up paying a pretty hefty chunk of revenue to your partners.

It can range all the way from 10% to over 150% in commission, depending on where in the funnel the offer is, how much it costs, and how much work goes into delivering on your part.

For a coaching program with live coaching, 20% is pretty typical.

For courses with no live component, 50% is very common.

For a paid Lead Magnet, you can go North of 100%, in order to get that in front of more people, because you know your math and know you’ll make it back on your Core Offer.

Organic is where you post content to social media or to your website and wait for the algorithms to bring you views.

What’s great is that it doesn’t cost you money.

Also, you’ll continue to get new views and visits long after you stopped posting new content.

In other words, you put in effort today, and it pays off for a long time to come.

The downside is that it takes time build, so there’ll be a long period with lots of work and no results.

It also takes a lot of time, and you have to learn the algorithms so you can play the game to get views.

You can offer your Lead Magnet as what we call a Content Upgrade on your blog posts, and through Handraisers in your social media posts.

Enrollment Mechanism

So now you have your Lead Magnet, and you have a way to get it in front of people.

The next step is to enroll people into your coaching programs.

The main ways to do that are:

  1. Enrollment conversations

  2. Sell by chat

  3. Sales pages

In Enrollment Conversations, you get prospects on a call, whether phone or video call, and you walk them through a process that ends up with them enrolling into your program.

You’ll want to offer these conversations as a value call, not a sales call. It has to be a call they’ll get value from.

Sell by chat is where you walk prospects through essentially the same process as on a call, but you do it over direct messages on Instagram, X, Messenger, text message, or email.

Sell by chat works amazing, and you avoid having to match your calendar with prospects, and you avoid no-shows, which can be a big problem for coaches selling on calls.

With a sales page you write copy that gets people to enroll into your program. This requires you to learn how to write copy yourself or how to get AI to write good copy for you, and it typically doesn’t work so well if the coaching program is over $2000.

The simplest way to get started by far is with Enrollment Conversations.

This lets you be very flexible in your approach, and you’ll learn a ton from speaking with prospects: What’s their pain, what’s their desire, what language do they use, what are their obstacles to getting the outcome they want, and what language do they use about all of these things.

This information is invaluable for your marketing going forward.

Once you build this system, getting new leads every day and new clients every week becomes simple.


PS. If you’re looking for a place to host your business, or you’re looking for help growing your coaching business, that’s what we do here at Simplero.

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