Dec 15, 2020

From any label in Simplero (or the labels list!), you can see every object you've assigned that label.

Dec 15, 2020

You can now use anchor links in your e-mails!

It used to be that they didn't work on the e-mails or the web version of the email. But now, they do work on the web version! And if someone clicks on an anchor link in an e-mail they will be redirected to the web version and scrolled to the proper anchor.

Dec 14, 2020

Improved the in-table editor for entering meta title and description on the SEO tab for your pages

They are now less jumpy, and the same height as the text you are editing. You can access them from the "SEO" tab on your landing pages/website pages table.

Dec 12, 2020

You can now send the 'magic' login link to a participant who purchased access to a site, whether or not that person currently has a Simplero ID set up or not, and whether or not that person has logged in to the site in the past. This makes it easier to solve those cases when people can't get access to their stuff.

Dec 12, 2020

Added actions (unsubscribe/resubscribe/suspend/etc) to the Subscriptions table under Lists

Dec 12, 2020

Show all clicks for an affiliate program or an affiliate, so you can keep track of all the relevant activity related to your affiliate campaigns.

Dec 11, 2020

Nerd alert: Prepopulate form fields from URL params

Landing pages will now prepopulate form fields from URL parameters. Previously this only worked for the 'email' param, now it works for name, firstnames, lastname, and any custom field. To set a custom field value, either use 'field.interpolationkey=foo', or the 'field134936_value=foo' format. The latter you can find by going to Settings > Fields and clicking the pencil, then 'Show field names for API'. Like I said, nerd alert. But super handy for when you need it.

Dec 10, 2020

Site search results now include site members if the site has the member directory enabled.

Dec 10, 2020

If you were finding the page editor slow to load, you might find it a lot faster now.

Dec 10, 2020

Nerd alert: The script URL for an inactive embedded landing page now returns a short comment '// Form is not active' instead of a 404 error. This changes absolutely nothing for you or your website visitors, unless your visitors are bots or nosy nerds.

Dec 10, 2020

Show invoices for an affiliate program

Now you can see all the charges for your affiliate program on a separate tab. That way you can easily see not just what new purchases are coming in, but also every single charge attributed to an affiliate, what the commission was, and more.

Dec 10, 2020

Labels are too useful to hide in the overstuffed "Account settings" page, so now they have a settings page all to themselves.

Dec 9, 2020

The purchases table should load much faster now.

Dec 9, 2020

Always grab a few animated GIFs for each video you upload

We make two from the beginning, one from the end, and one in the middle. You can add additional animated GIFs anytime you want.

Dec 9, 2020

Bringing the 'All' tab back in the media dialog, and making the search persistent across tabs ... and into the Stock photos tab

Dec 9, 2020

If you're having problems with bots signing up for your lists, you can try a setting we've added on the Confirmation tab on lists that will make it so all signups, not just ones we deem suspicious, are bot-checked.

Dec 9, 2020

Course navigation now sticks to the top while consuming a course lesson.

Dec 9, 2020

SVG images you use on your pages are now included in the same way as any other image type. This should make them display in a more consistent manner.

Dec 8, 2020

When creating a segment or broadcast for members of a private site, it will no longer include members who do not have permission to view the site (such as those with expired subscriptions).

Dec 8, 2020

Removed the Your Sites menu on membership sites and websites

Both your website and your membership sites had this menu called Your Sites which would list all other membership sites that the person had access to. It was a little confusing, and added an additional menu item, taking up valuable space in your header. I've now moved that functionality to the user/login menu to the far right, cleaning up the menu bar. While I was at it, I separated out links to Your Profile and Your Account. Your Profile is your name, photo, bio, etc. Your Account is where you access all the stuff you've bought on Simplero, your affiliate accounts, and more. This will make it faster & easier to get to your profile, which is something a lot of people will want to do. We do want to do a deeper redesign of the whole Your Account/Your Profile area of the app, but for now, this is a move in a cleaner direction.

Dec 8, 2020

Cleaned up your customers' 'Your Account' area

'Your Account' is the area where your customers can go find all their stuff. Their purchases, membership sites, affiliate accounts, profile, etc. We do want to do a deeper redesign of this, but for now, I cleaned up how we display the links and the menu to make it a bit more clear. -CC

Dec 7, 2020

New page section: Text inside a scrollbar

This will allow you to write text constrained to a maximum height - if the text grows longer than your specified height, it will automatically get a scrollbar and remain at that height.

Dec 7, 2020

We've updated the list of countries on the order form and are now displaying country names in the same language as the rest of the form.

Dec 5, 2020

When you're done writing a newsletter and you're ready to queue it, we'll now show when the newsletter will go out right there next to the button.

Dec 5, 2020

Cleaned up the columns we show for purchases for an affiliate program. They don't all make sense in this context, and it was getting crowded.

Dec 4, 2020

Added new triggers for when a known contact visits the order form when sales are closed, or the product has been sold out.

Dec 3, 2020

We now process delivery events much faster, so you should never be wondering for hours (or even minutes) if your broadcast really got delivered.

Dec 3, 2020

Streamlined a few things about the media dialog and the WYSIWYG editor as it relates to the media dialog

Dec 2, 2020

Site members can now edit and delete their own forum posts and comments.

Dec 2, 2020

You can now add triggers that run exclusively on clicking an expired/unexpired link!

Dec 2, 2020

We've added a built-in tab that lets you review the emails you sent that bounced. See it on the Recipients page of your sent broadcasts and automation emails.

Dec 2, 2020

Acceptance fields are now properly displayed on embedded landing pages - with their label & content.

Dec 1, 2020

When choosing when product is available for sale, also show any prices with time restrictions, to avoid annoying snafus.

Dec 1, 2020

Cleaned up the Broadcast report page. The right sidebar was pretty messy. Now it's a lot neater. Look for more links in the '...' menu on the top-right.

Nov 30, 2020

On an affiliate program, moved the Payouts tab up before the separator for consistency.

Nov 30, 2020

Tags now have an owner and a description, and a page where you can more easily manage and edit triggers.

Nov 30, 2020

Show purchases for an affiliate program

Nov 27, 2020

You can now include commission percent in mailings. Note, though, that it only works when the recipient is an Affiliate. Otherwise it'll just give you an empty string.

Nov 27, 2020

The URL of a landing page would be based on the internal name you gave the page, rather than the publicly visible title of the page

Nov 27, 2020

Added four new filters on Subscriptions table: First name, last name, email, and Do Not Contact

Nov 27, 2020

Ticket reassignments without comments will now be recorded as an internal note instead of a blank comment.

Nov 27, 2020

We now show Related Contacts at the bottom of the sidebar for a Contact. This will show any contact with the same email (can happen when people register twice with different emails, then change their email on one to be the same as the other), or contacts that have the same name

Nov 27, 2020

Fixed that it was impossible to search for unstarred lists/products/etc. by name

Nov 27, 2020

The sales by price pie chart was showing revenue numbers x 100.

Nov 26, 2020

Change in behavior for prices that only apply to certain contacts: It used to be that if we knew who the contact was from eg. a login, or from them coming from cilcking a link in an email from Simplero, then that would be the only thing we looked at. I've now changed it so that if they enter a different email address on the checkout form, then we'll also attempt to look them up by that email address, and if that Contact qualifies for the price, that's good enough. I don't foresee any problems with this, I think it's how it should have behaved from the start, but do let us know if we're mistaken. -Calvin

Nov 25, 2020

If you're using the QuickPay payment processor, you now have a separate setting for whether to accept Maestro (Mastercard's debit card) and Visa Debit. If you accepted credit cards from those companies, we've defaulted you to also accept debit cards, so no change is needed if you were cool with your settings before.

Nov 25, 2020

You can now view/filter by the timezone of your contacts right on the contacts table.

Nov 25, 2020

Improved the affiliate messaging and affiliate dashboard for when an affiliate is not yet approved. The email notification will now take them straight to the message, and we'll show a badge with unread message count. We'll also track when the message was read.

Nov 24, 2020

The search at the top of this page should be faster now, especially if you have lots of contacts.

Nov 24, 2020

We've updated the logos we use for credit cards and other payment methods.