Fixed a bug where e-mail preheader was visible in the actual email content if you were using the 'Simple' email template.
Move 'View in your browser' link to the footer on the 'Simple' email template.
In the link picker drop-down, you can now choose to link directly to specific modules and lessons in a course, rather than just the course overview itself. Thanks for the suggestion, Anne Bente!
Show country for affiliate in detail view and available as a column in the list view.
Cleaned up the Recipients column in the Email broadcasts table to make it easier on the eyes and faster to read.
Sites table now defaults to table view, card view is now a separate tab
There's a new view for Email Broadcasts that show your split tests, including the two subject lines, and their respective open rates, so you can easily see which subject lines were the winners and learn from it. Thank the George Kao for the suggestion 🔥
You can now filter member analytics by whether someone has viewed or completed ANY lesson in the course.
You can now easily be notified when a user submits a worksheet response!
When purchasing a product with a custom URL as the thank you page, and also purchasing an upsell that requires an agreement, we now will now present the upsell's agreement prior to going to the custom thank you page URL.
If an upsell requires the purchaser to sign an agreement, we will now present that agreement prior to showing them the content for the original purchase.
You can now automatically send calendar invites to event participants when an event requires registration
Our Zapier integration can now accept the 'ref' attribute for contacts, which you can use to attribute the contact to an affiliate.
We will now remember last preferred playback speed and use it as the default for audio and videos across Simplero sites
When moving purchases to a different product, admins will now have the option of if they want to fire triggers.
You can now replace assets in the media library! Easily upload a new version for a video, document, or any file and have it replaced across your existing site and content. Learn more in our How-to Guide
Events can now have a subtitle.
Only show event location after registration.
We've made it much simpler to add and manage emails in automations. Read more here...
Simplified the automation action step form
We've made it much simpler to add content to a lesson, and merged lesson and quiz creation into one unified interface.
We've made dramatic improvements to user permissions, including the ability to set new roles, including 'VA', 'Support Specialist', and 'Affiliate manager'.
You can now save private custom views which would only be visible to you.
We've made text messaging much more affordable, with rates up to 40% cheaper than previously
Under-the-hood improvements to reduce the milliseconds you spend waiting on Simplero.
We’ve updated the recurring newsletter scheduler to be more flexible so you can schedule them in more ways
We've added a setting on PayPal payment processors to let you exclude PayPal as an option for all purchases that require a subscription or installments.
The course lesson media duration will also include the duration of media files embedded in the lesson body.
We've added a beautiful new landing page template for selling your course
You can now insert a section after another section more easily.
This is helpful when you've got a long list of sections on your page already. You can now just hover over the section you want to insert after and you should see a '+' button which will insert the new section after that one.
We've added ability to restrict global coupons by product(s)
You can now add a default card image for lessons on a course which will be displayed as your lesson's card image if you haven't set one on the lesson.
Newsletters: The date and time for the last newsletter sent was not being set. It is now.
You can now customize the background color on the spacer section.
You can now duplicate worksheet sections.
Added option for a border around the cookie consent dialog, as well as defaulting to a setup where the cookie consent dialog doesn't bleed into the background of the page.
You can now control if video captions are turned on by default
You can now try the new Simplero Editor beta. Change fonts, improved lists, and much more. Click here to learn more, and enable it in the test track to try it out!
You can now bulk create product purchases and assign a payment method.
You can now change media placement on 'Text and media' page sections for mobile devices
In the Site Members table, the filter is now 'Has access' and 'Does not have access' instead of active/inactive. Just a naming change to make it more clear what we're saying.
In the bulk actions drop-down on tables, show the actions that relate to the current object first, then all the generic contact actions after.
Beta feature: People can now register for your non-zoom events.
Added a location field to events
When creating an event, you can now set what time zone the event is in.
New date filter options for all table views: Since a month/quarter/year ago.
Cleaned up the Auto-Responses UI. There were a handful of little things that made it harder to work with than it needed to be.
Organized the S. menu at the top-left of site pages to make it a little clearer.