Nov 23, 2020

Some email providers automatically check links in emails they receive. In some cases, this was triggering one-click actions contained in emails. We've added some checks to prevent these bots from triggering one-click actions.

Nov 23, 2020

Duplicating a broadcast with many recipients could be very slow. Now it's very fast.

Nov 21, 2020

If you have a lot of contacts, your contacts table is now much, much faster.

Nov 20, 2020

It’s now easier than ever to manage your on-page SEO

  • We’ve added an SEO view on the Pages and Landing Pages tables so you can view and edit your meta title, description and images in one place.
  • Each image remembers its last used ALT text for convenience the next time you use it.
  • You can access the sitemap.xml of your public sites via the “View sitemap” button on the Pages tab.
Nov 20, 2020

Show time zone on member profile, open links in new window

Nov 19, 2020

Twitter name in member profile could include double @ sign, which would make it wrong and the link not work

Nov 19, 2020

When you edit a link in a broadcast email after sending, the list of links will show that it was edited, and you can click to see what it was originally.

Nov 19, 2020

Editing email links sometimes made copies, didn't change the web view of a sent email, and made it look like they weren't working at all. (Edits did actually work for sent emails, but it sure was confusing.) Fixed now. Thanks to Calvin for sending out an email about this feature and getting a whole lot more people to experiment with it.

Nov 19, 2020

Messaging with affiliates

An admin can now start a messaging conversation with an affiliate right from within Simplero. Just go to the page for an affiliate, and you'll see a box that says 'Start a conversation with (name)'. This is super useful for communicating about the approval process, as well as any other ongoing conversation around the affiliate relationship.

Nov 19, 2020

The Simplero-handled reply to your broadcasts will now show as coming from the person who replied. The reason we didn't was to avoid their name being associated with our 'noreply' email address, but this is how Facebook Messenger handles their notifications, so I guess if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for us. It's definitely a lot less confusing.

Nov 18, 2020

Show animated frames for your media files in the library. And you can grab a new animated frame at the same time. Also fixed an issue where the second frame grab would silently fail if there was already a frame grab in progress. Now you can run multiple concurrently. -Calvin

Nov 18, 2020

Automations started to look a little funky, so we've put in some fixes to how they look.

Nov 18, 2020

The search bar above will now return more Menu Item results, making it easier than ever to find your way around Simplero.

Nov 18, 2020

Disabled triggers now show with an icon, not the text '(Disabled)'.

Nov 17, 2020

The table that shows list subscribers by affiliate was not showing the same numbers as the view they linked to. Also, the graphs were broken. Fixed that. Thanks, LeAnn! -Calvin

Nov 17, 2020

Resend broadcast to clicks

You can now easily resend a Broadcast to everybody who clicked a link. This is super useful if you accidentally sent out the wrong link, and you already fixed it in the original broadcast. This way you can send a reminder only to the folks who clicked the bad link, and not everyone. Calvin/Owais

Nov 16, 2020

We made a huge upgrade to the mobile phone input on your landing page forms, but we accidentally lost the ability to customize the placeholder. Fixed now.

Nov 16, 2020

Cleaned up the subscription confirmation pages.

Nov 16, 2020

Include newsletter name in subject line of reminder emails so it's easier to distinguish between different newsletters when you do more than one.

Nov 13, 2020

Affiliate program's 'Payouts' view is now more powerful with the ability to search, sort and filter payouts!

Nov 13, 2020

All the cool 'Santa Fe Chic' page sections, now available everywhere

The new sections include CTA with parallax image, full width testimonials, a blog posts grid, and a customizable footer. We've also added an option to layout your list signup form horizontally in some cases just like you can on the 'Santa Fe Chic' page.

Nov 13, 2020

We heard you like charts, so we added a few to each product's dashboard.

Nov 12, 2020

You've said for a while that Tags belong under Contacts, not in Settings. And now that's where they are.

Nov 12, 2020

You can now easily skip a newsletter if you need to, but still keep the queue intact.

Nov 12, 2020

There's now a link from a media file on a form (say a video for a lesson) to the admin page for that media file, so you can easily get to where you can choose a different still image. A small thing, but really improves a common workflow.

Nov 10, 2020

Calvin made a boo-boo and messed up the ordering of delivered newsletters. Fixed now. Thanks for letting me know, Morten!

Nov 10, 2020

When duplicating an automation step that sends an email, you now have the option to reuse the same email or to duplicate it as well.

Nov 10, 2020

You can now insert a sequence number into the subject line of a newsletter, so it'll automatically say 'Newsletter #17' or whatever you want to say. Just add '#{{count}}' to the subject line, and we'll automatically replace it before sending.

Nov 9, 2020

Several fixes for Newsletters

If you miss your newsletter, it's now super easy to just tell us to send the next newsletter in the queue right now, and keep the timing for the next newsletter intact.

I've also fixed a bug when you drag to reorder newsletters in the queue. The bug was only cosmetical, but, you know, cosmetics matter.

Updated the ordering of columns in the table to make it more useful.

Default to remind you the moment you missed your newsletter, plus an hour later.

And finally, rendering the date and time for the newsletters in your queue in a way that's easier to read at a glance.

Nov 9, 2020

Contact notes are now fully fledged WYSIWYG fields!

Nov 9, 2020

The Contact note modal now doesn't close when you hit the Esc button. Before, it was too easy to loose your notes if you accidentally hit the wrong key. No more!

Nov 9, 2020

After a contact reports an email as spam through our system (as opposed to through their email provider), we now show a nice page, and also remind them that they can turn on Do Not Contact to avoid any emails from this sender in the future.

Nov 9, 2020

Warn on the Product Thank You Page if the customer has their Do Not Contact setting turned on, and offer to turn it off again.

Nov 9, 2020

Added Copyright (c) Year to the default footer on sites and landing pages.

Nov 9, 2020

Show who last edited a Broadcast or Email for Automation. Makes it easier to figure out who on the team to talk to as the team grows bigger.

Nov 9, 2020

Filter buyers and non-buyers

Now, whenever you select segments of contacts, you can now separate buyers from non-buyers. Select any group of contacts, then add a Condition where you choose either 'Purchased any product' for buyers, or 'Not purchased any product' for non-buyers. Easy peasy.

Remember, you can always see your buyers and non-buyers on the main Contacts screen. Click 'Customers' to see buyers, and 'Leads' to see only non-buyers.

Nov 9, 2020

In forums on membership sites, when the post is truncated, there's now a 'Read more' link, which expands the post in-place, making it easier to read the whole thing (This one's for Ryan -CCo)

Nov 9, 2020

You know that search box at the top of this screen? Now it searches relevant help guides, too.

Nov 6, 2020

You can now add buttons to a Hero Image section. Yay for buttons and CTAs!

Nov 5, 2020

New phone number field for forms on pages looks great and automatically detects your visitor's country code.

Nov 4, 2020

You can now sort worksheet responses by respondent, Simplero ID, and answer.

Oct 29, 2020

Your affiliates' dashboard is now much faster, especially if you have a lot of products.

Oct 27, 2020

You can now disable triggers. Use this to turn them off while retaining their configuration should want to turn them on again.

Oct 22, 2020

Try new high-converting landing page templates: "Business Bundle" and "One-Page Wonder".

Oct 21, 2020

Your newsletters can now remind you to get back on track if you miss your deadline

Setup reminders when creating a newsletter schedule or from the Settings tab of your existing newsletter schedule.

Oct 15, 2020

Site redirects now preserve the query string from the original request. (You probably don't need this, but it can be helpful in some advanced tracking scenarios.)

Sep 29, 2020

We've made changes to stop some mail clients who follow links in the emails you send from triggering actions like adding tags and starting automations inadvertently.

Sep 22, 2020

Try the stylish new Santa Fe Chic landing page template for warm colors (though of course you can change them!) and parallax scrolling effects. The new section types only work with this landing page template for now, but if you love them, let us know. Who knows where they might turn up?

Sep 16, 2020

New, richer landing page designs are coming soon—each with their own unique theme! So starting now, theme customization and editing for landing pages can be found in the new "Theme" tab for each landing page and under the "Appearance" tab when you're using the page editor.

Sep 4, 2020

Now choose from over a million free & beautiful stock images for your website, landing pages, and emails. When choosing an image, click the 'Stock photos' tab and search!