Jul 10, 2017

Added a new trigger on external page views, tracked via our embedded landing page scripts.

Jul 10, 2017

Triggers can now be set to only run once per contact.

Jul 10, 2017

Add triggers when lead score goes above or below a certain threshold. Also, you can now edit and see lead score directly on a contact.

Jul 10, 2017

Triggers can now also have simple conditions (presence or absence of a tag) like automations and steps.

Jul 9, 2017

Purchases can now be searched and filtered by the Track value.

Jul 9, 2017

You can now choose to download current view or all columns when downloading from custom view tables.

Jul 9, 2017

Added a lead score to contacts, which you can increment and decrement using triggers, automations, and actions.

Jul 9, 2017

Automations and steps within them now has the ability to add a condition: Only run this step if the contact either has or does not have a given tag.

Jul 9, 2017

Added a bunch of actions to the contacts, purchases, participants, and affiliates tables: Add/remove tag, start/stop/pause/resume automation, subscribe/unsubscribe/suspend/resume subscription, grant/revoke access to space/page ... right there... just check a bunch of rows and do it!

Jul 9, 2017

Changed the unsubscribe page so we offer 'Unsubscribe from all', and make the Do Not Contact option less prominent. I think a lot of people used that without intending to.

Jul 7, 2017

Added download and date filters for tickets.

Jul 5, 2017

Expenses P&L totals now take affiliate commission into account.

Jul 5, 2017

Paginate through deliveries and activities. That way, the page loads way faster when there's a lot of stuff going on for a contact or purchase.

Jul 5, 2017

Added a bunch of columns to purchases and invoices tables.

Jul 3, 2017

Blog posts and comments done with new table framework.

Jul 2, 2017

Participants table. Done. Boom! And now you can see CUSTOM FIELDS in the overview, too!

Jul 2, 2017

Fixed that the name option (first name only / first and last name in separate fields / one field for both first and last name) on custom name fields was not being honored.

Jul 2, 2017

Triggers! On! The! New! Table! Framework!!!

Jul 2, 2017

Invoices, tax reports, automations, tags, segments, administrators, and global coupons. And you can now unstar tags, automations, and segments to hide them from the main list when you're done with them. And coupons are searchable.

Jul 1, 2017

And affiliate programs table is now using the new framework

Jul 1, 2017

Tickets table is now using the new framework... and tickets are now searchable!

Jul 1, 2017

Broadcasts and email library emails table are now using the new framework

Jul 1, 2017

Contacts table can now show custom fields

Jul 1, 2017

You can now start and stop an automation directly from the contact page

Jun 30, 2017

Modernized the contacts list.

Jun 29, 2017

Modernized the tables showing automation flows, email deliveries, and activities.

Jun 28, 2017

You can now add sales page link, order form link, and freebie link to your products table views for quick access.

Jun 28, 2017

Installment prices on the checkout form now just say something like '$1,200 in 4 installments over 3 months' instead of spelling out all the payments, since we have the table below detailing all of the payments anyway. Having both is a little much.

Jun 28, 2017

Added column for 'See as' to purchases table.

Jun 28, 2017

When listing failed purchases, we now sort by the date the purchase first failed. When showing canceled purchases, we now sort by when the purchase was canceled.

Jun 27, 2017


You can now track your expenses in Simplero, so you can easily get a Profit and Loss statement for your business as a whole, or for a single product.

Jun 27, 2017

French is now a fully supported language

Thanks to the amazing work by Christelle Petry and Lyvia Débloque, French is no longer just an experimentally supported language. Instead, Simplero is now fully translated into French for all the user facing parts.

Would you like to help out in translating Simplero to your local language? Don't hesitate to get in touch with us!

Jun 27, 2017

The list of subscribers to a list has been powerfullified.

Jun 27, 2017

French value-added tax is now correctly referred to as TVA. Only for new accounts, though. For existing accounts you can change it under Settings > Taxes.

Jun 25, 2017

Custom domains for spaces are now no longer redirects to the space's zenlearn.com subdomain, but instead present your content on the custom domain.

Jun 25, 2017

Sites now use the customer language configured for the account no matter the user's language preference. This is to make link texts consistent for all users.

Jun 25, 2017

When an email hard bounces, set Do Not Contact instead of unsubscribing them from whatever they were subscribed to.

Jun 25, 2017

Simplero has a changelog!

Want to keep track of the changes being made to Simplero, big and small? From today, you can follow along here as we continue to improve Simplero for you.

If you want a chance at influencing the direction of Simplero, make sure to post your ideas and requests to our roadmap. Better yet – if you're an amazing software developer or designer, why not get your hands dirty with us?

Remember, if you have any questions, you can always write to our amazing support team.