Meet Robert B McNeilly of CET - Creating Effectiveness in Therapy
Tell me a little about your business…
I offer online teaching programmes for therapists who want to learn about hypnosis and therapy.
What brought you to Simplero?
I looked unsuccessfully for a way to present online programmes, gather contacts and integrate these with a shopping cart and experienced incereasing frustration ... until Simplero. Here I found a perfectly integrated programme that was flexible and reliable and about half the cost of the previous difficult components I'd tried.
How have you integrated Simplero into your business?
Simplero has become my business. I used to trsvel and present face to face workshops, and beginning this year, my work is almost exclusively online - on Simplero.
How has Simplero benefited your Business?
I have made online connections from all round the globe, and have video calls with people from Greenland, France, Spain, UK, USA, ands of course Australia.
What's something you've learned in business you'd wish someone had told you when you were starting out?
Take care of the clients and the business will follow.
What's a fun fact about you that someone would never guess?
I'm obzessed with cars - looking at them, not buting them. My wife says she doesn't appreciate the way I look at an Audi R8.

He founded the CET in l988 to introduce Ericksonian Hypnosis and the Solution Oriented Approach to hypnosis, counselling and coaching in Australia. For more than 30 years, the contribution he brings in his teaching style, writing and unique approaches to learning and therapy allow for a ready application into everyday living and are recognised locally, nationally and internationally, including repeated invited presentations at the Milton H Erickson Foundation’s International Congresses in USA since 1980 and workshops in Singapore and Denmark since 1999.
He is co-author, with Jenny Brown, of "Healing With Words", "Healing the Whole Person" was published by Wiley, republished as “Doing Change” by St Luke’s Innovative Resources, and Crown House have published a series of DVD demonstrations of counselling and hypnosis. Tandava Press have published "Learning Hypnosis" and "Creating Connections in Ericksonian approaches to hypnosis and therapy Vol 1 & 2".
Students comment on his easy, respectful manner and his elegant ability to make complex issues approachable while retaining their essence.
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