It's okay to suck at marketing

It's okay to suck at marketing.

How do I know?

Because I suck at marketing.

Here at Simplero, we do pretty much zero of what people would normally call marketing.

No paid ads. No content marketing to note. No organic social. Sure, we have an affiliate program, but no one's been in charge of it for years.

And yet, we've managed to create a $4M/year recurring revenue business.

Not too shabby.


By focusing on a great product and great customer service.

Word of mouth takes care of the rest.

I'm not saying this is a super savvy move necessarily. Combining this with great marketing is going to perform much much better ... and that's where we're going.

But what I am saying is, a lot of people get obsessed with how bad they are at marketing, and think they have to figure all this stuff out.

And yes, it certainly helps.

But don't let that stop you from going out there and just providing value to people that need your help.

Offering great products and great service from a genuine heart is going to get you moving in the right direction.

My point here is not to avoid learning marketing. I highly recommend it.

My point is to stop using it as an excuse to not move forward. To make it into this big overwhelming obstacle.

Anyway, you can move forward in a fair game.


Small actions matter way more than you think
The most powerful force in the universe


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