Don't leave anything to chance πŸ‘Š

Last week I promised you guys a phenomenal story about Lance Armstrong from back when he was the king of the Tour (de France).

Before I do, though ... I want to ask a favor:


I want to help you get the body you deserve and desire.Β (Yes. Really. I know what you're thinking.) πŸ€”

Please take three minutes to answerΒ this quick survey for me. I will be so grateful... and also we'll have a drawing of some pretty powerful give-aways...

Yeah, Calvin, I'll answer a few questions...

Thank you! πŸš€πŸ™

Now on to your regular scheduled programming...


Remember when Lance Armstrong was dominating the Tour the France, ?

I do. I was always fascinated with him.

I remember one year, it was probably in 2004 or 2005.

It was the final stage. He was wearing the yellow jersey. The race was over. He'd won.

The stage started with a long, flat stretch.

Despite the fact that there was no chance anyone could unseat him during this last stage, his team, the US Postal team, was out in front, pushing hard to carry Lance forward.

A half hour into the stage, I understood why.

There were some train tracks that the riders had to cross.

As they approached the train tracks, the US Postal team pulled back, and left Lance alone out front to pass the train tracks with no-one around him.

As soon as he was on the other side, Lance reunited with his team, and they allowed other teams to take the lead for the rest of the stage.

Why would they do such a thing?

Because train tracks are a potential source of accidents. If a rider riding alongside Lance were to fall, he might pull down Lance with him.

Heck, who knows, someone might even have an "accident" intentionally? What do I know about how dirty people are willing to play in the Tour.

So Lance takes no chances.

They're just train tracks.

The likelihood someone's going to fall is very small.

But why take that chance when you don't have to.

It really impressed me. I still remember it 15 years later.

How does this apply to your business?

What are the results you're working to achieve? What are the mission-critical steps that need to happen?

How can you make sure you don't leave anything to chance?

Maybe you hire two people for that critical role.

Maybe you get the ads approved more than a week in advance, so you know you have time to edit and resubmit if Facebook or Google is being a stickler about them.

Maybe you hire a consultant or an expert to do the job for you. Or two.

What are the critical processes in your business, and how can you make sure you leave nothing to chance?

With confidence,


How to crush your (business) goals πŸ’ͺπŸ’₯
You are the product


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