New Feature: Give List Subscribers Access to a Space

You can now give access to a closed membership site when people subscribe to a list in Simplero.

This makes it super-easy to give away large amounts of free content in an organized and structured way.

When they subscribe, they'll get a Simplero ID to log in, and as long as they're stil subscribed to that list, they'll continue to have access. If they unsubscribe, they'll lose their access.

You can even use our "auto-publish" feature to drip out content to your students over time. You can do this via auto-responses, so it's evergreen, or using broadcasts, so it's the same time for everyone.

And you can now mix free and paid content inside the same space.

Here's a video showing you how it all works:

New Feature: Multiple notes for a customer
New Feature: Expiring Links in Emails


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