Meet Joy Duling of Member Magnetism
Tell me a little about your business…
My name is Joy Duling and my business is Member Magnetism. I help people launch, run and grow membership programs.
What brought you to Simplero?
I am always on the look-out for the right technology solutions to recommend when program participants ask what I prefer. I had seen enough mention of Simplero around social media groups to be intrigued and when I was literally able to design a membership site completely within hours, I was hooked.
How have you integrated Simplero into your business?
My first project using Simplero was my 21-Day Membership Growth challenge. I love the fact that I can have 21 Days of growth ideas set up to go out automatically. The emails look great and I was able to have a corresponding membership space to offer online extras. I'm currently in the process of transitioning all of my training courses over and within the next couple of months, my affiliate program will be offered via Simplero as well. One of the other hidden gems that I have discovered and absolutely love is the 'auto-subscribe' feature. This makes it really easy to do one-click satisfaction surveys and segmentation, allowing exactly the right follow-up to happen.
How has Simplero benefited your Business?
As someone who teaches member experience for a living, it is really important for me to use technology that reflects those values. So far, everything that I've used with Simplero has been glitch-free and works exactly the way I hoped. Additionally, I've been able to pull what I've been doing through several different systems (Ruzuku, Mailchimp, LeadDyno, Zapier, etc.) into Simplero which is going to save me time and be far more cost effective for me.
What's something you've learned in business you'd wish someone had told you when you were starting out?
The ups and downs of business are hard on a perfectionist. I wasted too much time in the beginning worrying about things being perfect before I'd release them. Inevitably, I'd have to make tweaks anyway. Over the years, I've learned to launch faster and make adjustments as I go along.
What's a fun fact about you that someone would never guess?
I sat on stage next to US President Ronald Reagan during my college graduation. I was President of my graduating class and he was returning as an alumnus to give the Commencement address. During the ceremony, he kept leaning over toward me to tell me little snippets of memories about his time at the college. It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime kind of experience that I will never forget.

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