
Personal Development

Work from your genius, not your excellence

I had a conversation last night with a great friend who has two tracks within her business. One brings in a lot of money, and she’s really great at it. The other is her deep passion, and she’s really awesome at that, too.

As we were talking, she realized that when she’d taken a break from the first, her life had been fantastic. She’d never felt better. Business was booming, despite barely touching it.

But as soon as she’d gotten back into that business, her suffering had started. She’d gotten …

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How to muster superpowers in your weakest moments


I once heard this (maybe not so) crazy »advice« about being depressed…

If you throw someone down a stairway, you can be pretty sure, they won’t be depressed on the way down.

Maybe the feeling will come back.

But it will be gone for at least a little while.

Now, of course you don’t want to throw people down stairways, but it is true though—I bet that you (like me) can easily picture, that the mind would simply HAVE to change focus from the depressed state if someone forced you to into a d…

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