Fixed a bug where a legacy (non Builder 2.0) landing page under a site that is on the new experience would use the site's header and footer.
Fixed issue preventing mobile users from booking calls on schedulig links using mobile phones, when only one timeslot is available.
We’ve added confirmation when an user unhides their profile globally or on a community.
Cool little switches to pin posts ... check ito out :)
Fixed error preventing some members from posting comments on forum posts due to a notification subscription data issue.
Added a Card View for your Landing Pages so the more visually oriented of us can quickly find what they're looking for just by looking.
Heads-up: Check your Builder 2.0 pages using bullet/numbered lists
Add some margin after bullet lists and between bullets in the new page builder.
This means that your existing pages using Builder 2.0 that use bulleted lists or numbered lists will now have some additional whitespace after each list, as well as after each item in the list.
We added 1rem after each list, same as after a paragraph.
And 0.5rem after each item in a list.
Check your pages to see if they still look the way you want them to.
This is much more sensible than what we had, and was something users had requested.
I’m really sorry for changing up your existing pages, but I hope it’ll be well worth it for the better display going forward.
Fixed a bug where the admin search input would sometimes show after navigating from a new pagebuilder page to some other page, due to a bug in a library we use.
Don't redirect to new Join Site page if you're trying to access a site and you're not logged in. Link directly to /join if you want people to see that page.
Dragging files onto course modules was interfering with dragging to reorder lessons
Fixed issue where events from Google Calendar would take 24 hours to block availability on scheduling links. We now will recheck your calendars every 15 minutes.
Fixed a bug where editing/replying to the most recent comment of a forum post (which is also displayed directly in the forum feed) on the new community experience would not show the reply immediately (you'd have to refresh the page).
We have introduced a new setting on Site
As a site admin, you can now set new members' profiles to be private by default, making them invisible in the member directory and mentions. Members can update this setting from their user profile if desired.
Fixed a bug that was causing the Search engine preview URL to show 'undefined' when editing a landing page (created with the new page builder), when the Public URL was 'Under a Site'
Affirm is a new payment processor option!
Affirm is a payment processor that allows customers to finance purchases with installments even you don't offer them. They pay interest on their payments, but you receive in full.
We fixed a bug that was allowing users to re-activate a subscription with their original price even if such price was disabled. Now the users are requested to select a new price when trying to reactivate a subscription if the price is disabled.
🎉 Layouts & Nav List editor for the new site/community experience are here!
If you are using the new community experience, all your sites will now have a Layout editor.
Layout editor allows you to customize the header and footer of your site. You can control the styling as well as the content of the header and footer.
Check out our help guide to learn more about the new layout and navigation editor.
You can get to the layout editor by clicking on 'Layout' in the '...' menu on the admin page of your site.
If you're viewing your live site, you can also get to the layout editor by clicking on 'Edit layout' from the Simplero admin dropdown menu that shows up when you hover on the top left edge of your site.
When using the Layout editor, or the new Page builder for your site's pages, you will now also be able to edit your navigation from it. Just click on the hamburger menu on the top-left and you'll see the new navigation editor.
P.S: Your sites will now have a footer, just like sites built on the old experience, so you might want to hide them if you really don't want them for some reason.
Link directly to funnel opt-ins and funnel purchase pages from the funnel pages themselves.
Fixed an issue where customers might end up with their last name duplicated when they submit multiple opt-in forms or surveys
Community Join Page
People can now become members of your free Membership Site (aka Community) by simply clicking a button on a page.
No need for them to sign up to a List or a ‘buy’ free Product anymore.
The page makes it simpler, and handles every scenario: already logged in, has a login, or needs to get a login.
You'll find this option on the Membership Site > Configure tab > Site URL section.
Make opt-ins default to sort by most recent first.
We've fixed an issue with embedded scheduling links in Page Builder 2.0 pages where if there were a lot of custom fields, events couldn't be booked on mobile because the 'Schedule' button would be unreachable.
Upload files as course lessons by simply dragging them on top of a Course Module.
Fixed a bug that was causing a replaced price to still show up as an option on the order form when the replacement price had an open-ended availability period.
We've released privacy settings for communities
You can now hide your profile on a specific community, preventing anyone from visiting your profile or mentioning you on that community. To enable this feature, edit your profile and find the new 'Settings for specific communities' option under the privacy section.
Added 'Read' permission for Site Content. This will allow users to view Sites, Groups, Forums, Posts and Comments on the admin side.
We've updated the placeholder text on the Card Number field of EasyPayDirect/NMI payment processors. It used to say 'Credit card'. It will now say 'Card number'.
Added a link to test run the new Community Experience from inside your Membership Site dashboard.
We will now truncate the body content of a search result on the New Community Experience.
Fixed error preventing some users from opening a funnel in editor mode due to a duplicated data issue causing the funnel to be in an invalid state. This duplicated data, however, only affected the editor, not the end customers.
Fixed that History page could in some rare circumstances include lessons from another Site, when that same media file was also used in a lesson on a different Site.
Fixed an issue in Page Builder 2.0 for site pages where section template previews would not load properly and instead show a 404 page.
Added a Calendar feed for all events on community sites using the new experience, making it much simpler for your members to stay on top of all the calls and events in your coaching program.
You can now pin a Forum post to the community site's Feed page. Super powerful for important announcements that you want to show up right there on the home page of the site, when you have the Feed set as your site's home page.
We improved the layout of the 'Private Page' (the page displayed to users when they try to visit a page they don't have access to) to prevent breaking when users have long email addresses.
Make the course lesson history page track all lessons, not just video lessons. And also let you clear your history, or remove individual items from your search history. Powerful stuff. Available now on the new Community experience. If you haven't upgraded yet, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with our Customer Support team and they'll help you out.
Cleaned up the Contact Info box in the top-right of the sidebar on the Contacts screen.
Fixed error preventing chat from working on custom domains.
Add course lesson to favorites right from the search results.
Fixed that DMARC verification would sometimes not verify even if you had the correct record.
Fixed that engagement badges would sometimes not save properly.
Fixed an issue with broadcasts where the fallback for 'missing name' would not be inserted when a contact name is blank.
Add triggers directly in the table for event occurrences, so you can add triggers to events even simpler.
We have fixed the bug in the newsletter where it was not calculating the recipients on the preview screen.
Fixed a bug where applying loudness filter to some video would fail becaues our analysis doesn't produce any output. In that case we'll apply sensible defaults.
The trigger on 'The value of field has changed' now fires for the Contact Name and Contact Email built-in fields also.
Event links
You can now choose a link to the event series, a link that will always show the next upcoming occurrence, in addition to linking to a specific occurrence in the series.
Fix that forum post embeds (YouTube, Loom, and other videos) didn't get included in the notification email.
Fixed that an error while doing a 'Paid Purchase' step in an automation could cause that step to be ran multiple times, leading to multiple purchases of the product.
We've updated the order form so the name and email fields are always in the same order, being name and last name first, followed by email.