Oct 3, 2018

In site mentions, search anywhere in first/last name, and also return 30 results, to make it easier to find the member you want when you have a lot of them

Oct 3, 2018

Use max size image for social media sharing

Oct 3, 2018

Add filters for phone number custom fields, as well as any other field with simple string values

Oct 3, 2018

Donation on checkout screen would update erratically, not be included in the order summary, and wouldn't automatically change when you changed to another price with a different donation minimum

Oct 2, 2018

There's now a setting on site pages that lets you make the header transparent. It'll automatically go non-transparent with a white background when you scroll down the page.

Oct 2, 2018

Link directly to Custom CSS and Edit code for themed pages

Oct 2, 2018

Added support for SVG files as media files. They're great because they are very small, and they're infinitely scalable, rendering perfectly regardless of resolution, and can easily change color or size with CSS.

Oct 2, 2018

Contact actions to grant/consume credits

Oct 1, 2018

You can now add column for credit balances to the Contacts view

Oct 1, 2018

Create credit while granting, grant to contact that doesn't have any credits currently.

Oct 1, 2018


Named units that you can grant, sell, consume, so you can sell it now to be consumed later. Eg. 10 sessions for $x, and those sessions can be consumed when needed. You create a product for it, you can have prices that require a minimum quantity purchase, you can even create subscriptions where credits are granted each month/week/etc. Credits can have an expiration so if they're not consumed within that time frame, they expire.

Sep 30, 2018

Contact notes: Edit and delete notes. Added a separate page for the notes to make it more manageable when you have lots of notes on a contact. Added title and kind to note, and allow you to select which admin to associate with the note.

Sep 28, 2018

Added the little Capitalize link so you can now capitalize headings in site sections and any other one-line text value

Sep 24, 2018

Fixed issue with rendering of the issue credit/refund dialog in the latest version of Chrome.

Sep 24, 2018

Added a filter on Contacts to show which contacts are considered active by Simplero

Sep 21, 2018

You can now say that a price is only available for eg. 3 days after someone subscribes to a list or purchases a product. In other words, true expiring prices and offers. Enjoy!

Sep 20, 2018

Notifications for comments on forum posts would not be sent if you had muted notifications from the blog on a site.

Sep 20, 2018

You can now choose what participants are called for a given product: Member, Customer, Guest, Student, etc.

Sep 18, 2018

Featured courses and similar sections would function perfectly but show up as 'Unuspported section type' in the page section overview.

Sep 16, 2018

Search results for course lessons now include the name of the course and module in a little breadcrumb trail to help people understand where the lesson fits

Sep 15, 2018

When resuming a paused flow, what we used to do was calculate how long it was paused for (say 10 days), and just add that to the current wait time. So if it was originally to continue on Sep 1st, it'd now resume on Sep 10th. If you're doing something on a specific schedule, though, eg. the 1st of each month, or each Monday, then that's not helpful, because now it's thrown off schedule. It's a bit complicated, but here's what we came up with:

  • If you're waiting for a duration
    • If there are no adjustments (time of day, weekday, day of month), we just extend wait time with how long it was paused for.
    • Otherwise if the original time to continue has passed, recalculate the adjustments from now
  • All other wait times, we recalculate from now, in case the field value has changed, or the birthday or subscription period has passed.

This is all a bit complicated, but I think this should do what people would expect in every case. If not, we'll have to adjust again until we get it right. -Calvin

Sep 13, 2018

Courses are now available for the main Site

Sep 7, 2018

Massive performance optimizations on course pages

Sep 3, 2018

Let other people 'steal your landing page' by providing them with a special link they can use to copy your exact landing page over to their own Simplero account

Sep 2, 2018

Support for conditional liquid tags in mailing footer from Product/List/Affiliate Program, etc.

Sep 2, 2018

You can now add custom CSS for each section on a page, right there in the editor. We will automatically scope the CSS to the section in qusetion, and we'll also preprocess the CSS with both Liquid and SCSS, so you can use super-advanced markup, access your theme assets, and much more.

Sep 2, 2018

Made a bunch of improvements to the theme editor. Cleaned up navigation between customize theme, edit custom CSS, and edit code. Show when folders are open/closed in code editor. Fixed that you couldn't upload assets twice in a row. Allow closing the folder with the current file. After deleting a file, focus the editor on a neighboring file. Added icons for different file types in theme code editor.

Sep 1, 2018

New action on Automation Flows table: Update continue at - makes it possible to set when a flow should continue with the next step

Aug 30, 2018

When something goes wrong while processing an automation, back off exponentially, so we don't try the same thing that didn't work over and over again

Aug 29, 2018

New section for themed pages and landing pages: Text in 2 columns

Aug 29, 2018

Save edits in page editor and landing page editor to local draft, and offer to restore when you come back

Aug 28, 2018

Allow access to ALL Google web fonts from theme customization

Aug 25, 2018

You can now launch the image editor directly from the media files dialog, edit your images, and save them as a new media file, ready to use anywhere you can use media files in Simplero.

Aug 22, 2018

I broke duplicating steps in automations, and now I fixed it. While I was at it, I decided that duplicated a templated email step should duplicate the email as well, so now it does.

Aug 22, 2018

Improved how we process auto-responses internally to make it significantly more efficient

Aug 21, 2018

Product duplication: price "replaces price" and order form "hide the checkbox where we encourage..." are now correctly duplicating

Aug 19, 2018

Fixed that copying lots of subscribers from products or other lists would be super slow or even fail

Aug 16, 2018

From the badge where it says 'Renews xx date' or things like that, on the purchase card for the customer, link that to the manage payment page.

Aug 16, 2018

Show manage renewal on customer's purchase manage payment page, even when there are upcoming payments on a purchase.

Aug 16, 2018

Show link to manage payment on purchase on admin.

Aug 16, 2018

Commitment was always a bit confusing. If you said $99/month, with a 3 month commitment, you'd expect them to be able to cancel after the first 3 payments, but that's not how it worked. Well, now it is, folks! Once you've paid for that third month, you're free to cancel any time.

Aug 16, 2018

If the recipient going through an automation (eg. a product participant, or a list subscription) opted out of emails from that prodcut/list, then honor that when an automation is sending emails to them as well

Aug 16, 2018

Show the actual object in the automation on the flow page

Aug 16, 2018

Show timestamps in new purchase notification email in account time zone

Aug 16, 2018

Allow email notifying about new comments on tickets to be translated

Aug 16, 2018

Style URL fields (website, URL) the same as the other fields on embedded opt-in forms

Aug 15, 2018

Set Safari to drop its default styling for submit buttons on embedded opt-in forms

Aug 15, 2018

Twitter sharing link on themed landing pages now includes the official public URL, rather than the never-changing canonical URL which we use for most other sharing purposes

Aug 15, 2018

Duplicating a step was missing a couple wait-related parts

Aug 15, 2018

Allow creating pages that start with a number in the title