Dec 11, 2018

Added 'Done-For-You' templates

Dec 10, 2018

The icons for 'Star' and 'Unstar' on admin table views are now what you think they should be: fully filled-in star means 'star', and empty star means 'unstar'

Dec 6, 2018

Added support for LinkedIn in footer links for sites (finally!)

Dec 5, 2018

Fixed that drafts for site pages would sometimse get confused and offer a draft for a different page.

Dec 5, 2018

Show a preview of your membership site in site admin

Dec 4, 2018

Some themed landing pages had a list associated as CTA object, when there was in fact no list opt-in on the page.

Dec 4, 2018

Show on customer's purchase / manage payment screen if their current card is expiring in the next 90 days, and they have charges due.

Dec 4, 2018

When inviting someone to be an admin, if we already have a user with that exact email address, or if you enter their Simplero ID directly, we'll just add them to your account directly instead of sending them an invite they have to accept.

Dec 3, 2018

When a custom field has an option for 'Other', you can now choose a placeholder for the 'Other' input field

Dec 2, 2018

Moved the Template field for embedded opt-in forms up above the colors. Makes i ton more sense that way. Also, did you know that you can have your favorite HTML/CSS nerd develop your very own signup form designs?

Dec 2, 2018

Some embedded modal signup forms wouldn't always be centered properly.

Dec 2, 2018

Support 'Other' option in radio buttons field as well

Dec 2, 2018

Automatically get city and state/region from zip/postal code. For now, just US and Denmark, and Norway. If you can get us a CSV or similar files of postal codes for your country, we can add them.

Dec 2, 2018

Use the proper label for postal/zip code and region depending on country

Dec 2, 2018

Fixed that Floating Icons page section would use the default link color instead of the specificed text color when the link option was used

Dec 1, 2018

Check boxes custom field can now include an 'Other' option

Dec 1, 2018

Contact fields could sometimes have a label set when creating the field that you couldn't edit later

Nov 29, 2018

Released new sections for your sites and landing pages, from the simplero.com redesign: Commitments, Numbers, Split Hero, Floating Icons, and Features Split. Go rule the world with your StoryBrand based marketing. Have fun!

Nov 27, 2018

Fixed that you couldn't get to the 'Box go away' link for embedded modal forms on small phones when there was a lot of copy in the embedded form.

Nov 27, 2018

Fix that Geo country code wasn't being updated.

Nov 26, 2018

Insist on state/region for purchases when tax depends on region, even if billing address otherwise not required

Nov 26, 2018

Validate emails on input to make sure they're actually deliverable

Nov 20, 2018

Fixed that if two or more auto-responses had the same day number, only the first one would get sent.

Nov 18, 2018

Show prices for all quantities on checkout form, so people can see how much they'd save by buying more at the same time

Nov 18, 2018

When linking to a special price with minimum quantity, ensure that the minimum quantity is always met

Nov 9, 2018

Automatically set the quantity on the order form from the minimum quantity on the price when linking to the order form with a specific price.

Nov 4, 2018

You couldn't search for email address in the customer select field

Nov 4, 2018

Fixed that we'd record the wrong step on action steps in automations, making the flow activity log incomplete

Nov 4, 2018

Text, Media, Text setion on sites

Nov 4, 2018

Send any broadcast or library email to a single contact by checking the row in the table and choosing 'Send to...', then pick the contact.

Nov 2, 2018

Fixed a bug with automations where a condition on a wait step would not always be honored

Nov 1, 2018

You can now include autogenerated password in interpolation for affiliate program emails

Oct 29, 2018

The 'Your Account' in the drop-down menu on websites on your Simplero account now link to people's 'Your Account' page for your Simplero account only, instead of the 'Your Global Account' that shows evertyhing they've purchased on Simplero. I feel like that makes more sense for your customers. They don't need to know that you're using Simplero. At the same time, we've made it a bit easier to navigate to 'Your Global Account', though not quite as easy/confusing as it was about a month ago. I know the nomenclature here is confusing. Haven't figured out how to resolve this yet.

Oct 27, 2018

We now have 5 new top-level domain names to choose from for your Simplero sites and membership sites: vipclub.ninja, simplyeducated.net, coursehub.tv, geteducated.me, mycourse.tv, and mysimplero.com. To use them, go to your site > Configuration, and look for the section named 'URL'. There will be a drop-down where you can choose the top-level domain name to use. The default one is still simplero-sites.com, but you now have more choices.

Oct 25, 2018

You can now designate a page of your choosing as the 404 not found page for your site

Oct 24, 2018

You can now have your site header stick to the top of the page, independent of whether you make the header be transparent on top of the first page section

Oct 23, 2018

Theme code editor now highlights files with local changes

Oct 23, 2018

Buttons in themed sites can now link to videos, and those videos will open in a lightbox and start playing right away, when the button is clicked.

Oct 22, 2018

Changed wording from 'grant' credit to 'isssue' credit. I feel like that works better whether they paid for them or not.

Oct 22, 2018

Issue/consume partial credits from triggers/automations. Also, don't show the decimal points when not needed.

Oct 22, 2018

You can now purchase using a saved payment method

Oct 20, 2018

Respond more quickly to quantity change on the order form so customers get a more responsive experience

Oct 12, 2018

You can now access site's pages without /pages in url

Oct 11, 2018

Added triggers on course lesson completed

Oct 11, 2018

There's now a great way to include your own custom JS and CSS in your sites, while keeping everything fast. Customize your theme and you'll find the section for Assets. Here you can name asset files to include on your site.

Oct 9, 2018

Ability to backdate when a credit was consumed

Oct 8, 2018

Strip spaces and invisible non-breaking spaces from links in emails

Oct 7, 2018

Subnavigation between page sections inside the current page

Oct 3, 2018

Use the landing page's actual URL in link rel=canonical tag on landing pages

Oct 3, 2018

Set site home page to blog, forum, or product catalog page