Mar 18, 2021

We've fixed the behavior of donations when used with coupon prices.

Mar 18, 2021

You can now order worksheets attached to a course lesson!

Mar 17, 2021

We will no longer update the name and phone number of your old contacts when syncing events from Zoom. However, if the contact doesn't exist in Simplero, we'll continue to use the details from Zoom to create them.

Mar 16, 2021

We've improved the behaviour of secret, conditional prices. You can add conditions on a secret price to prevent the sharing of the secret link from letting anyone use the special price. For example, you can make it so only subscribers to your list can use the secret price. If a non-subscriber gets the link, they will only be given the regular, public prices as options.

Mar 16, 2021

Fixed an error with the tickets widget on membership sites when third-party cookies are blocked by the browser.

Mar 15, 2021

Email templates and Landing page templates are now called Email designs and Opt-in form designs respectively and they can now be found in Settings. Also made it possible to add your own embedded opt-in form designs

Mar 12, 2021

Our Cookie Consent feature is off of the Test Track and ready for the real world. You can enable it from Account Settings, Privacy section.

Mar 12, 2021

You can now use personalizations in your order form's tracking code!

Mar 12, 2021

Plain, Boxy & Naked embedded landing page templates should look better on mobile now (there were some edge cases on mobile like very long button text overflowing, slightly incorrect widths which are now fixed)

Mar 11, 2021

We've updated our list of supported languages, including full support for German thanks to German With Nicole! If you'd like to help translate Simplero to your language, see this help article for details.

Mar 11, 2021

Duplicating a product with a trigger that started an automation was creating new automation every time. We have fixed it to be linked with the existing automation now.

Mar 11, 2021

Our cookie consent feature (which you can enable in the Test Track screen) now has an opt-in option. With this option, if the user is in a country with relevant cookie laws, we won't set cookies (other than those strictly necessary for the site to work) until the user grants consent.

Mar 11, 2021

Previously, the double opt-in option on lists would only ask for confirmation once per contact (if the contact subscribed to multiple lists, only the first would require confirmation). We've found that if this confirmation happened a long time ago, contacts would either forget that they'd confirmed or had changed their mind since. So now, for new subscriptions, we ask the contact again for confirmation if the last confirmation was more than 6 months ago. This helps ensure that you have an engaged audience on your lists, which helps your emails get delivered.

Mar 11, 2021

You can now change the Privacy Policy URL displayed on the Cookie Banner from Account Settings > Privacy Policy URL. To display the Cookie Consent Banner you can enable it from Test Track.

Mar 10, 2021

The Cookie Consent feature can now display in Danish and German. Did you know that you can help us translate Simplero into your language? See this article for details.

Mar 8, 2021

We've added a Badges feature for Rule the World plan subscribers. Badges lets you recognise site members for outstanding forum contributions, keeping them engaged and motivating them to be more active. Configure this feature on the Engagement tab under Membership Sites.

Mar 8, 2021

Show custom fields as selectable columns in Sales > Financials table

Mar 8, 2021

Change 'What's the problem?' in support widget to 'How can we help?' ... sounds more helpful, less problem focused.

Mar 8, 2021

Added Created At and Updated At columns to Lists table

Mar 8, 2021

Use Site internal name consistently in admin UI

Mar 5, 2021

The long awaited ability to have a list sign up form with text above it and an image to the right or left of it is here. Use the page editor to add an image to your form, change its position, vertical alignment and size.

Mar 5, 2021

We now add List-Unsubscribe headers to broadcast emails. (Oh, what's that?) This makes it easier for subscribers to unsubscribe if they choose and so improves email deliverability. We only support unsubscribe via http (and not mailto) so far.

Mar 4, 2021

We've working on cookie consent as required by regulations such as the GDPR and the ePrivacy Directive. We've implemented an option to show a banner notifying users of the cookies we set. We're still working on this (including an option to not set cookies until the user accepts), so this first needs to be enabled under Account Settings, Test Track.

Mar 4, 2021

If you use the cold contacts feature and made newsletters, the newsletter schedule was getting a new Exclude section every time you added a newsletter. We've fixed that.

Mar 3, 2021

We've refreshed the interface a bit with changes mostly to the header. The one thing that's moved is Settings, which is now the gear icon in the top right that gives you direct access to all the settings pages.

Mar 2, 2021

Fixed oddly aligned checklists on mobile.

Mar 2, 2021

Add participant information in Sales > Financials

Mar 1, 2021

Using standard interpolations like {{ firstname }}, {{ email }}, etc on your product's custom thank you page URL is now possible!

Mar 1, 2021

Ireland reduced its VAT rate from 23% to 21% from September 1 2020 until March 1 2021. If you were using the reduced rate of 21% (which was our default), we've updated you to regular rate.

Feb 25, 2021

Membership levels will now stop offerings prices that were replaced by other prices as upgrade/downgrade options.

Feb 24, 2021

Filter bounced email deliveries by the error message we received.

Feb 23, 2021

Blog post will now respect the setting for whether notifications will include the full text of the post.

Feb 23, 2021

CAPTCHA's can now be completely disabled from the list settings

Feb 22, 2021

Corrected the names of the parishes of Bermuda.

Feb 22, 2021

If a subscription is bought as a gift to be delivered in the future, the subscription will now renew based on when the gift was delivered.

Feb 22, 2021

When processing purchases with PayPal, we now split out taxes from the full amount. This will make the total PayPal displays clearer to the purchaser and help with your accounting.

Feb 16, 2021

Duplicating a product now intelligently duplicates the contents of the 'Upselling' tab, too.

Feb 9, 2021

Columns about the first participant are now available to add to the Product > Purchases table.

Feb 5, 2021

Downloading CSV or Excel files with address custom fields? Now the address is split into its component parts instead of the whole thing being dumped in one column.

Feb 4, 2021

We now give a clearer message in the charge failure email if a subscription payment fails due to 3-D Secure Authentication.

Feb 4, 2021

On a subscription change between membership levels, if Stripe requires 3-D Secure Authentication from the purchaser, we will now properly prompt them to provide it.

Feb 4, 2021

When a purchaser re-enters their payment info after a subscription payment failure, the overdue payment will now work even if the credit card never allows future charges (e.g. due to 3-D Secure Authentication rules).

Feb 3, 2021

On an upsell, if Stripe requires 3-D Secure Authentication from the purchaser, we will now properly prompt them to provide it.

Jan 28, 2021

Closed products are no longer offered as upgrade/downgrade options in membership level groups.

Jan 28, 2021

Events supports Zoom Meetings! 🎉

Now you can see all your scheduled zoom meetings, track attendance, add triggers & more, even if you don't have a Zoom Webinars account. Check it out under Content > Events. If you've already connected your Zoom account, click 'Sync events from Zoom', authorize us again, and we'll handle the rest.

Jan 28, 2021

You can now add labels on events and delete basic events.

Jan 26, 2021

You can now use Liquid template filters in <a href> and <img src> in your emails.

Jan 25, 2021

We've eliminated a potential cause of 'lost steps' when editing an automation.

Jan 25, 2021

We've made our 'prevent downloads' logic smarter when a user has access to a site through multiple purchases.

Jan 22, 2021

We've set the default German VAT rate back to 19% (after being reduced to 16% in 2020). If you have sales in Germany, make sure you review your tax settings.