Introducing the simplified Simplero admin experience!

Today we're opening beta access to the new, redesigned Simplero admin experience. 

After interviewing dozens of Simplero users—brand new, existing, and ex-users—we kept hearing one piece of consistent feedback: "The admin area is too confusing!"

And it rings true. Over the years we added more and more capabilities to Simplero, and the overall organization and navigation of the application never got the attention it needed to keep up.

With this redesign we're getting back to one of our core principles: simplicity.

Here is a video from me explaining the redesign in more depth: 

You can enable the new experience for your account on a new page, the Test Track (admin/test_track). We expect to switch to the new UI for everyone in about a month—enough time for us to hear your feedback and make a few more improvements. New users will get the new experience sooner.

Would love to hear your thoughts!

As always, submit a support ticket if you have any questions. We're here to help you! 

Stop trying so hard
When God Calls...

1 comment

Vondell Richmond

SUPER COOL! Thanks for making our end user experience mo' betta

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