Why we don't cotton to nitty-gritty-pedants...

(How to decide if we're a match)
Do you remember the movie Avatar?
In the scene, where Jake Sully meets the parents of his future mate, his (coming) mother-in-law lays this on him:
= = =
It is decided. My daughter will teach you our ways. Learn well, »Jakesully«, and we shall see if your insanity can be cured.
= = =
Avatar will always remain one of my all-time-favorites, and I just love that scene.
Because it’s riddled with lessons for the taking.
Let me give you an example.
Recently someone came along and wanted to move his website to Simplero because he was attracted to the simplicity and the ease of use—but maybe most of all to the seamless integration between all the different pieces of the platform...
- Automations
- Emails
- Tags
- Products
- Membership sites
- Websites
- Sign-up-boxes
- You-name-It
But after our concierge team moved his website over (5 or 10 hours included for free—depending on the plan you choose—on initial activation of annual plan)…
He got so disappointed.
He thought, that we could match the design of his old Wordpress website PIXEL-for-PIXEL.
Well, we can not.
And even trying would be insane...
...because that would keep both us and him focused on things, that really don’t move the needle much. There may be exceptions, but they will be few. In most cases like this, it will look a lot like your old website, but we can never promise you a COMPLETE match. What we CAN do, is we can make you a beautiful website that gets the job done of building an audience and converting them into customers. (Of course provided, that there is a market for what you sell, and you have a great service/product).
If that resonates with you, we ARE a match.
And you should try us out.
(If you wind up buying an annual plan, we will toss in 5 or 10 hours—depending on the plan you pick—of free concierge migrations service into your hat).
Morten Spindler
Community Manager at Simplero
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