How do I say no to the guy who LITERALLY just stuck an extra $3K in my pocket?!?!

Good question. You don't.
When I asked Megan Meyers this question...
»Say, would you be willing to do do a testimonial interview for us at Simplero?«
... her reply came swiftly within the hour...
= = =
Hey Morten,
How do I say no to the guy who LITERALLY just stuck an extra $3K in my pocket?!?! 😂
But really, I think I might be Simplero’s #1 fan so it would be my pleasure.
= = =
I hope to do (and bring) the interview in a not so distant future.
But in the meantime, lemme tell you just how I stuck the $3K in her pocket.
I didn't.
She did it herself with a done-for-you-campaign.
Now, the campaign was crafted by me.
She sent it out to HER list.
And she sold HER product.
All I did was give her a little nudge out the door.
And boom.
She had an extra $3K in her pocket.
I can't help but fall in love with stories like that.
And the best part?
You can do it as well.
The campaign is waiting for you inside Simplero.,
Anyway, let's dwell some more on the wonderful feedback we get from Megan every now and then.
Here is one from december 29th...
= = =
Nothing could be a better gift than the daily ease Simplero continues to provide for my life. I’d dare to say that Simplero is so much more than a software platform it’s a way of life...
The way life is meant to be. "
THANK YOU even more for living in your Zone of Genius and creating Simplero as a result. It’s the best!😁
= = =
Okay, enough self praise for one day.
If you're serious about your business, then a Simplero account have... you must.
Morten Spindler
Community Manager at Simplero
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