Four Levers to Grow Your Business … but There's a Catch!


In order to grow a business, there are only four levers:

  1. traffic

  2. conversion

  3. pricing

  4. retention

Traffic: Get more people into your funnel.

Conversion: Convert more of the people in your funnel.

Pricing: Charge more.

Retention: Keep them as customers longer.

That’s it.

If you’re working on your business and you’re not working on any of those four things, whatever you’re doing, it’s not growing your business.

Figure out which one of those four is most broken, and dedicate as much time as possible on that one lever.

That’s how you grow.

NOW … there’s a ctach.

Which is that this is all at the level of MATTER.

Of 3D.

Of working in the matrix.

There’s another level we need to look at too.

Watch the video above to understand what I’m talking about.


Not Making Enough Money as a Coach? Here's How to Fix It.
The Quantum Way to Grow Your Coaching Business


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