New Feature: Subscription to news list for individual products

On popular demand, we have now now implemented the ability to choose what news list people will be signed on to, when buying a product from you.

Now you can choose, which list the customer gets signed up to, when checking the "Yes to news and offers" box on the Order form. This will allow you to send participants in specific products to a separate list instead of your house list. This is highly useful if you have a series of products marketed to a different customer segment than your main product line.Or if you market to customers in different countries and thus have newsletters in different languages.

If you don't want the "Yes to news and offers" box on the order form at all, you now also have the option to hide it.

If you don't change anything we will just sign people up to your house list as usual. 

You choose the relevant list or hide the box under Purchase fields in the Order form setup for a product.


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New Feature: Revenue forecast


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