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What does Heather LOVE about Simplero? 

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Tagging: Tagging gives me total freedom + flexibility to understand and support my clients in a deeper way.
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Email: Broadcasting makes it super easy to target who I need to send content to (and who I don't).
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Analytics: My open rates are higher than ever because I am able to see what my people need and love.
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Integrations: It integrates easy-peasy with everything!
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Integrity: Everything is in one place, and everything actually works like Simplero says it will. #integrity
Sure, it does courses and subscription programs. But there's also email, websites, landing pages, automations, and more—like affiliate programs, media hosting, help desk, and done-for-you templates to help you build relationships with your customers and focus on what matters.

Simplero gives you everything you need, nothing you don't.